Posts made by lukz95
- Português
RE: Quando MAC reinicia, desconecta de todas as contasPortuguês
@alinefortuna Se o seu sistema ser MAC existe um utilitário chamado "Keychain Access"
Remova a senha 'Opera Safe Store' no aplicativo de acessos do 'Keychain Access'.
Abra o aplicativo 'Keychain Access'
Escolha o 'login' à esquerda
Escolha o grupo 'Senha'
Encontre a entrada 'Opera Safe Storage', clique com o botão direito do mouse e escolha Excluir.
RE: Meu Login não SalvaPortuguês
@meloo07 Se seu sistema por MAC existe um utilitário chamado "Keychain Access"
Remova a senha 'Opera Safe Store' no aplicativo de acessos do 'Keychain Access'.
Abra o aplicativo 'Keychain Access'
Escolha o 'login' à esquerda
Escolha o grupo 'Senha'
Encontre a entrada 'Opera Safe Storage', clique com o botão direito do mouse e escolha Excluir.
RE: Não consigo mudar o idiomaPortuguês
@edwilsommat Seu sistema operacional esta em português? se não tiver precisa configurar manualmente no opera > Atl + P ou vá nas configurações "Settings" > Recursos "Features" > Entro na pagina descendo um pouco a parte do Idioma - esta descrito como "Preferred languages"
Nessa parte vá no "Português (Brazil)" e clique nos 3 pontinhos seleciona como seu idioma principal,
depois clique em "relaunch" para reiniciar o opera.Caso não tenha o "Português (Brazil)" vá no menu "Add languages" e adiciona.
RE: "Ctrl V Não Funciona"Português
@jvfreitas22 Entre na url "opera://extensions/shortcuts" e veja se tem algum atalho em alguma extensão usando o CTRL + V se caso queira tirar uma print pra gente ver seria uma boa tbm
RE: Problema com o meu opera gxPortuguês
Seu usuário do Windows não tem função administrativa
Tente forçar a inicialização do Opera GX através do ícone dele na área de trabalho, com botão direito em cima do ícone, vá até a função Propriedades >> Avançados >> Marque a opção "Executar como administrador" de Ok e Ok novamente, assim teste e veja se funciona.
RE: Opera sem somPortuguês
Verifique no windows se esta todo regulado a função do som do aplicativo.
Para isso abra o menu pela iniciar digitando : "Opções do mixer de som"
Nesse menu encontre o aplicativo do opera e visualize se não esta mutado ou com volume zerado, veja se a a função de driver de saída esta configurado conforme o padrão do windows.
- Português
- Português
RE: [Solved]Opera gx crashing when downloadingsOpera GX
@leocg said in Opera gx crashing when downloadings:
@lukz95 See https://forums.opera.com/topic/39910/instructions-on-posting-about-problems-in-opera-gx/1
Also use Shift + Esc in Opera to see what is using the CPU and RAM. By the way, RAM usage seems normal.
I tested again following the steps, when reinstalling "opera-gx" I noticed that on my computer I had two versions, the last one updated and version 71......, after reinstalling, I started to install the extensions, when installing "ad-block" most famous of the extensions I felt a slowness when entering some sites, with that I removed the same, and the downloads also stopped my computer crashing
solved, thank you very much
RE: [Solved]Opera gx crashing when downloadingsOpera GX
@lukz95 said in Opera gx crashing when downloadings:
I feel it was containing freezes and a slow computer but it was working normal from what I see it seems that this download was downloaded at 250kb/s media, and another one that was crashing my computer was at 10mb/s, in my view it seems faster you download the more cpu/memory you use, thus causing freezes and even crashesthe screenshot at the time of download:
quote --
remembering this test was limited to cpu / memory
RE: [Solved]Opera gx crashing when downloadingsOpera GX
I ran some tests and recorded.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmskBsoLqCA - test download 1 link dev opera
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xzo-kltbLQ4 - test download 2 random 3.88gbI also had other windows open on another screen, a jenal on youtube live, and others on sites I work on.
RE: [Solved]Opera gx crashing when downloadingsOpera GX
I feel it was containing freezes and a slow computer but it was working normal from what I see it seems that this download was downloaded at 250kb/s media, and another one that was crashing my computer was at 10mb/s, in my view it seems faster you download the more cpu/memory you use, thus causing freezes and even crashesthe screenshot at the time of download:
[Solved]Opera gx crashing when downloadingsOpera GX
Hello, my opera started having some crashes when downloading, I limited the memory and cpu by "gx control" but it kept crashing, and it's only when it's downloading, I don't remember this happening, it seems like it started recently.
I'll leave here a screenshot of the moment with task manager open, and my computer settings.
Version: LVL 3 (core: 78.0.4093.153)
Windows 64bit
CPU: i3-8100 3.6ghz
Memory: 12gb
GPU: 1060 6gb
installed with SSDWhen viewing the image it seems to be normal, but at the time everything was crashing.
Thanks, sorry for the English, I'm using google translator.