Originally posted by findkfn:
And you are sure thats because of tab utilities ?
I have no such toolbar here.
It only appears with that addon enabled, so yes, I'm pretty sure.
New addons
A few more I'm trying out.
Keyconfig (no, not the original one
Found a much better keyboard customization addon. It's not available through the regular Addon library, you can find it in this thread.
It's very nice, and allows for any custom keyboard shortcut (well, combos that is). Uses code for each shortcut, so for more documentation see the thread page, and here and here. It also changes the actual menu shortcut hints, unlike the previous addon I was trying. Not to be confused with the addon in the regular addon library by the same name.
I have replaced the Customizable Shortcuts, Single Key Tab Switch, and Image Block addons with keyconfig. See this thread for the code for Next/Previous tab switching, and this thread for the toggle Images on/off code.
Mozilla Archive Format
An alternative MHT saving addon which is far simpler to install than unMHT and actually integrates into the regular Save As dialog (unlike unMHT). Still prefer Opera 12's MHT output though, as well as the fact that with general file downloading Opera seems to save from cache while Firefox redownloads files (:irked: ).
A fast-forward/rewind addon that can be triggered by keyboard shortcuts, buttons or menu items. By default it's very good at choosing the next page of paginated sites, but it can be further enhanced by adding image URLs of buttons from sites to target them specifically, as well as Regexp, etc.