Thanks. Enabling TLS 1.1 and 1.2 causes random crashes with Opera 12. There's a discussion about this and the OCSP servers issue at the Opera security blog, in the comments section for the 025 post:
Posts made by highstream
RE: "Unable to complete secure transaction" errorOpera for Windows
"Unable to complete secure transaction" errorOpera for Windows
The following link has been turning up an "Unable to complete secure transaction" error intermittently the past week with Opera 12.17/Win 8.1x64: It's a private message system so connecting to the message isn't important, but the fact that it returns this error message is. A couple of weeks ago, I had to reset some of my Opera files, including the certificates, and I've had to recertify many. I'm wondering if that's causing this link's problem. If so, what would I do? The link works with other browsers, including O26b. Thanks,
RE: Unable to access a particular site since Yesterday ...Opera for Windows
Looking good so far. Wish I'd heard about this earlier, as I've tried lots of uninstalls and sys restores the past few days trying to find the culprit. Thanks,
RE: Something crashing Opera 12.17 for the past few days hereOpera for Windows
Thanks. The timing does make sense. I'm giving the the set backs a try.
Something crashing Opera 12.17 for the past few days hereOpera for Windows
Win 8.1 Pro x64, last MS updates on 10/14. For the past few days, Opera 12.17* has been crashing here randomnly on graphics and video pages. Going through what's been installed since the MS update, and doing some uninstalls, disables and system restores to try to isolate the problem, hasn't turned up anything that makes obvious sense. Here's what I've installed since the MS update:
- FF33
- Adobe AIR plugin
- O&O Defrag Pro
- Java 8 Update 25 (32/64 bit) - disabled in Opera and other browsers
- Adobe Flash Player 15 update (15.0.189), tho it seems unlikely
- AMD Catalyst Install Mgr w/ MS Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x64) 11.0.50727 - uninstalled, crashes cont'd, then reinstalled
The last crash occurred just now on the following page, well after it loaded (the crash box showed this page): I don't see anything here that's likely, except perhaps Flash Player, tho that was run through a beta, does anyone have any other ideas and see anything in the MS update that might be at issue? Thanks,
Developers' Blog comment format system is a PITA, i.e., not at all user friendly.Feedback for the Forums
Since the switchover in commenting systems in the developers' blog, when there are more than a relatively small number of comments the system is a PITA to use. The user has to repeatedly click on "See More" at the bottom to view all the comments, and if they themselves have commented, it can mean having to scroll down and repeat the process a number of times. If one refreshes the page or clicks on a comment link without opening another tab, the whole process also has to be repeated upon return. Then there's knowing where to return to continue reading in another session, now that there are no markers such as page numbers, as there were in the previous system. Opera developers encourage comments, but have set up a system that is a truly cumbersome. I would think they could do a whole lot better than this!
RE: Everything is bigger after updating to Opera 24Opera for Windows
I've commented about this a couple of times on the developer's blog, going back a version or two. I took some measurements, and as I recall everything is larger than 12.17 by roughly 25%. Since my 1920x1200 screen is already set to 115% dpi, the webkit's enlargement doesn't help. Changing the font size to Small or Very Small in Settings has no effect. Win 8.1
Getting Opera window to open same sizeOpera for Windows
12.17, Win 8.1. Ever since I ran Safe Mode w/ Networking the other day and opened Opera, back in Normal mode I can't get it to open the size it was before and that I've resized it to any number of times. What's the secret? Thanks,
RE: Problem installing Opera 24 NextFuture releases
Thanks, it did update automatically when I opened About. The problem is that it leaves previous versions, including 23 and 19 and 21 in RevoUninstall. When I uninstalled those latter two, it created a mess that not even system restore can undo (Next seems immune to sys restore). I just deleted 23 manually and reinstalled 24, but now w/o my extensions.
Problem installing Opera 24 NextFuture releases
For the past two Next versions, I've had some install problems. This time install for 24 Next is returning a message that another instance of installer is already working on this folder (Opera Next is closed). The folder being referred to is 23.0.1522.58. What should I do? If an uninstall/reinstall is needed, how can I save the Speed Dial and extensions?
RE: Here are some suggestions for those looking for alternatives to Opera 12 (and use Opera Mail)Opera for Windows
As an email client, for those who can live without true HTM, I'd suggest Sylpheed. Available for people using a number of platforms.