@opera-security Thank you for clarification. That was my guess, too. But the links, even as dead links sounded that real!
Unfortunately even Opera‘s AI also supported this case if not with giving any „sources“.
I was suspicious because I couldn’t find any items in Google, Ecosia or DuckDuckGo. And I couldn’t remember any of these self declared „privacy activists“ ever launching any complaint against Opera, which would have been a really useful incident, if it had really happened.
So again, thank you for reaching out!

Best posts made by Healing-Cross
RE: What are Muatri Ads? We're they in Opera?Lounge
RE: Warum keine Lesezeichen-Synchronisierung bzw. scheinbar überhaupt keine Synchronisierung?Deutsch
@andreask07 Um es ganz kurz zu machen: Es gibt keine Synchronisierung mit Opera auf dem iPhone. Diese funktioniert nur mit allen anderen Betriebssystemen.
Was du machen kannst, ist eine Verbindung mit "My Flow" zwischen beiden Geräten herzustellen. Dann werden wenigstens die aufgerufenen Seiten aus dem Desktop mit dem iPhone synchronisiert.
Man kann in Opera auf dem iPhone Lesezeichen nur manuell eintragen. Ist leider so und es gibt auch keinen Workaround dazu.
Die Frage ist, ob du Synchronisation wirklich brauchst (und wofür). Dann bist du besser mit Chrome, Firefox, Edge oder auch Vivaldi bedient, wobei letzterer auf dem iPhone bei mir andere Macken hat.
Ich persönlich finde es allerdings nicht schlimm, dass Opera auf dem iPhone nicht synchronisiert. -
RE: You can now decorate your tabs with Emojis in Opera 😎Blogs
The first day, I was surfing the web, I thought: Please, give me emojis in the tabs. It would make my browsing perfect.
Honestly, I haven‘t read about lot of others features in a browser that appeared to be so unnecessary. Or does anyone of you really need this new „feature“?
RE: What are Muatri Ads? We're they in Opera?Lounge
I asked Aria as well:
„What is or was the Muatri component in Opera?“
The Muatri component in Opera was related to A/B testing and caused some controversy in 2020. It was acknowledged in a blog post by Opera, and efforts were made to make it easier to uninstall the component.
RE: Warum keine Lesezeichen-Synchronisierung bzw. scheinbar überhaupt keine Synchronisierung?Deutsch
@vectorglobe Keine Ursache.
Synchronisieren mit Opera ist sowieso eine Sache für sich.
Mittlerweile komme ich gut damit klar und kann dem auch viel abgewinnen. Und mir gefällt tatsächlich auch die iPhone App ganz gut. Ist aber sicher Geschmacksache. -
RE: Warum keine Lesezeichen-Synchronisierung bzw. scheinbar überhaupt keine Synchronisierung?Deutsch
@vectorglobe Hatte ich noch nie. Auf Android bevorzuge ich in der Regel Motorola, die haben eine nicht so aufgeblähte UI.
Über das iPhone SE bin ich aber mal zu Apple gekommen. Ist jetzt mein zweites Gerät, aber ich bin da überhaupt nicht festgelegt.Was ich an der Sync. von Opera schätze, ist, dass sie jedes Gerät für sich halten. Du hast auf den verschiedenen Desktops oder Mobilgeräten halt nicht immer die gleichen Speed Dials. Das finde ich sehr praktisch, weil je nach Gerät meine Bookmarks ja andere sind. Über die Sync.-Funktion hast du aber trotzdem Zugriff auf alle.
Bei Opera bin ich immer hin- und hergerissen. Kenne keinen anderen Browser, der so meinen Bedürfnissen entspricht und komme nach Ausflügen zu Vivaldi, Brave oder Chrome immer wieder zu Opera zurück.
Dass er sich im chinesischen Besitz befindet und die Politik bei Sicherheitsupdates nicht so richtig durchschaubar ist, finde ich dagegen nicht so richtig klasse. -
RE: Warum keine Lesezeichen-Synchronisierung bzw. scheinbar überhaupt keine Synchronisierung?Deutsch
@vectorglobe Ja, Vivaldi ist auch toll. Und ich glaube, die haben auch noch nie etwas Zwielichtiges gemacht. Kann man ja auch so einstellen, dass er fast so wie Opera ist. Was umgekehrt nicht geht. Habe im Moment beide im Einsatz.
Auch ein schönes Wochenende und ein frohes Pfingstfest!
Latest posts made by Healing-Cross
RE: What are Muatri Ads? We're they in Opera?Lounge
@opera-security Thank you for clarification. That was my guess, too. But the links, even as dead links sounded that real!
Unfortunately even Opera‘s AI also supported this case if not with giving any „sources“.
I was suspicious because I couldn’t find any items in Google, Ecosia or DuckDuckGo. And I couldn’t remember any of these self declared „privacy activists“ ever launching any complaint against Opera, which would have been a really useful incident, if it had really happened.
So again, thank you for reaching out! -
RE: You can now decorate your tabs with Emojis in Opera 😎Blogs
@andrew84 Yes, that's true. Vivaldi has them, too. And even for a whole lot longer than Opera (Chromium).
I myself find them more pleasant to the eye in Opera, actually, as I realized lately, when I gave Vivaldi another shot. Vivaldi's tab stacks can be arranged in very different ways, only one "accordeon mode" might be correctly compared to Opera's tab islands.
I myself don't rely on both very much honestly. I seldom open more than ten tabs per workspace, rather less than that. So for me it's more gimmicky than a real feature.
In this sense I feel that Vivaldi has far to many customization options for people like me. -
RE: You can now decorate your tabs with Emojis in Opera 😎Blogs
The first day, I was surfing the web, I thought: Please, give me emojis in the tabs. It would make my browsing perfect.
Honestly, I haven‘t read about lot of others features in a browser that appeared to be so unnecessary. Or does anyone of you really need this new „feature“?
RE: What are Muatri Ads? We're they in Opera?Lounge
@sgunhouse @leocg Thank you very much for your explanations. Though I've never heard about this incident and never noticed any report by some privacy advocates, I was wondering how these things could be brought to the forefront by AI, even Opera's own.
RE: What are Muatri Ads? We're they in Opera?Lounge
I asked Aria as well:
„What is or was the Muatri component in Opera?“
The Muatri component in Opera was related to A/B testing and caused some controversy in 2020. It was acknowledged in a blog post by Opera, and efforts were made to make it easier to uninstall the component.
What are Muatri Ads? We're they in Opera?Lounge
I ran Claude AI for some questions about Opera‘s privacy and security, and they gave me a hint about the so-called „Muatri Ads“.
I asked: Can you show me sources for the Muatri components in Opera?
And Claude responded:
„ Sure, here are some sources that reported on and analyzed the Opera Muatri component sending data to China:- Certunion Analysis Report (January 2020):
This is the original report from Certunion that discovered Opera was shipping the Muatri adware component that was sending user data like URLs, location data, mobile headers etc. to servers in China and Singapore.
- BleepingComputer Article (January 2020):
This covers the Certunion findings, with details on how the Muatri component was essentially a "subscription traffic monetization" adware sending sensitive data without user consent.
- ZDNet Article (January 2020):
ZDNet's analysis highlighting how the Muatri revelations contradicted Opera's privacy-focused marketing and raised questions about data flows to China.
- Opera's Response (January 2020):
Opera's blog post acknowledging the Muatri issue, claiming it was for A/B testing, and stating they would make it easier to uninstall the component.
The sources provide technical details on the data being sent by Muatri, as well as analysis around the privacy implications for Opera users given the connections to Chinese entities.“
I‘ve never heard about something like this. And all the links run into the void.
I searched in Ecosia and Google and didn’t find any hint? Is there still something about it? - Certunion Analysis Report (January 2020):
Better results by Claude?Feedback
I‘ve been running Aria and Claude with the same prompts parallelly and it seems to me, that Claude isn’t only faster but in most cases more informed and informative, also.
It’s only a subjective impression and of course it‘s not bad to have both of them. - Blogs
RE: Opera 110.0.5130.35 Stable updateBlogs
@upnorth No that's not. DuckDuckGo was down today. As was Ecosia and Bing. Seems to have been an issue with the Bing Api and has nothing to do with Opera whatsoever.
- Blogs