About tab activation order, try opera://flags/#activation-order-tab-cycling
Why the hell is stuff like this buried in hidden settings menus?
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About tab activation order, try opera://flags/#activation-order-tab-cycling
Why the hell is stuff like this buried in hidden settings menus?
This was the reason why I originally switched to Opera. Right now the gestures that are available are laughable. If Pig Toolbox (a Chrome extension) didn't work on the new Opera I would probably not even put up with all the little inconveniences that have come with the new version.
Right now, the help directs you to information regarding version 11.60 and some links in the settings menu get you to information for version 12.10.
When will this be updated. It's quite ridiculous, to be honest.
And another post by me. Sorry, but I'm learning the new Opera version and maybe this can help some people. Pig Toolbox's gestures are still working, but you have to deactivate Wheel Gestures and Super Gestures. Super Drag can stay activated. The gestures do not work in internal pages anymore.
Opera's own mouse gestures also have to be deactivated, but since there are only a handful you are not really losing anything.
@ d1sasterp1ece:
Screw yourself.
@ lem729:
I've tried them before and they didn't work. Now I've found out that you apparently have to disable Opera's internal mouse gestures first... This actually also fixes "Opera 12-like tab switcher").
The problem I have with the ones you linked is that they have a pretty limited selection of actions I can assign. Some don't even feature "enter fullscreen". And they don't seem to work on internal pages, like the speeddial, which is a deal breaker for me.
Thanks for the suggestions, but I'll keep looking. Maybe there are user scripts for Tampermonkey?
EDIT: Is anyone else having trouble accessing userscripts.org?
The latest update has broken all the extensions I have used in order to get customisable mouse gestures back into Opera ("Pig Toolbox" from the Chrome webstore and "Opera 12-like tab switcher"). Are there any alternatives?
Als erstes musst du die versteckten Einstellungen aktivieren. Dafür öffnest du die Einstellungen und gibst den Konamicode ein (hoch, hoch, runter, runter, links, rechts, links, rechts, b, a). Es sollte eine Warnung erscheinen. Annehmen und die Einstellungen sind verfügbar. Keine Ahnung, wer auf die hirnverbrannte Idee gekommen ist, das so zu machen. Anscheinend sind User so dämlich, dass man ihnen die Wahl über so was nicht einfach so geben kann...
Ganz unten in den Browsereinstellungen musst du jetzt noch einstellen, dass die Power User Einstellungen angezeigt werden. Dann sollten bei den Einstellungen zur Startseite ein paar Optionen sein, mit denen man die Größe der Schnellwahleinträger manuell verändern kann. Die also in deinem Fall einfach reduzieren bis es passt. Du kannst hier auch die Suchleiste deaktivieren.
Geht mir nicht ganz ein, dass diese Einstellungen so gefährlich sind, dass man sie hinter einem derart dämlichen Sicherheitssystem verstecken muss, aber ich bin ja auch nur ein diletantischer User und hab daher wahrscheinlich nicht die nötige Intelligenz, um das alles zu verstehen...
Meinst du Opera für Android, oder Opera für Windows?
Mir geht es nämlich so mit meinem Smartphone, wenn Off-Road ausgeschaltet ist.
My computer was disconnected from its power source. When I restarted Opera it opened up fine, but all my settings, extensions and Speedial items were gone. the Stash was still there. When I activated my bookmarks bar, it looked the way it did when I originally imported the bookmarks from Chrome. Everything I had added since then was gone. When I reinstalled violent Monkey and Pig Toolbox (an extension from the Chrome webstore that adds tonnes of stuff), I noticed that the userscripts where still all there, and all my settings in those extensions where also unchanged.
So to make it short. Is there any way to restore my bookmarks and the other extensions without having to do everything again? Are there any files the browser now somehow doesn't find again, and if so, how can I make it use them again?
I'd say no, as it's useless...
I disagree. It gives you a nice visual feedback of how long you will probably have to wait for a website to display fully and you can easily see when there happens to be some sort of issue.