@leocg this did work for me although it took me doing it 2 times to get 3 laptops, a surface pro and 2 phones to sync and work 100% correctly... then after a few hrs of testing one of the laptops is back to having 2 open tabs profiles in the sync 1 active 1 stale. I am going to uninstall and reinstall opera on this problem laptop., but I guess I have to do all the sync setups Again in order to try and resolve this... man this is a Major time consuming pain!
Posts made by droidxforme
RE: Syncing Open Tabs ProblemsOpera for Windows
RE: Syncing Open Tabs ProblemsOpera for Windows
@leocg this did work for me although it took me doing it 2 times to get 3 laptops, a surface pro and 2 phones to sync and work 100% correctly
Profile ButtonOpera for computers
Hi in an older post regarding the profile button @leocg stated the button is only temporary but using the same versions on 3 different laptops 1 WIN 7 laptop always shows the button yet on 2 windows 10 laptops it never shows unless their is a problem. Why the difference between the laptops?
RE: Syncing Open Tabs ProblemsOpera for Windows
Well after doing a search I found this post which explains the same issue. The devs and the webmaster should really clear this info up.
I will try this and hopefully it will fix the issue.
RE: Reset sync data button doesn't exist and no way to delete old sync dataOpera account
Thanks for this post it is what I am looking for almost a year later and the labeling, description and FAQ's still don't reflect the proper info
RE: Syncing Open Tabs ProblemsOpera for Windows
I followed this:
To reset your account:
Navigate to http://sync.opera.com/web/.
Select the Reset sync data button.I am definitely logged in but I do not have a Reset sync data button just a
Do not remember your key synchronization password (passphrase)? Reset Passphrase
Syncing Open Tabs ProblemsOpera for Windows
I am mostly syncing between a Windows laptop and a Note 9 Android but on the laptop the when I check the Opera sync info page and also using opera://activity it shows open tabs on the phone that are no longer open. It does show and close new tabs correctly but these 4 tabs are stuck there.
It also shows my same laptop twice and one has old open tabs and does not show anything new. Any ideas how to correct this?
RE: Install Chrome ExtensionsOpera add-ons
I actually removed the "Install Chrome Extensions" extension and can add extensions from the store but every so often they keep disappearing and I have to re-add them from the store, I just don't understand why it does this.
RE: Install Chrome ExtensionsOpera add-ons
@arshagarwal Thanks very much for the reply and suggestion but unfortunately the permissions were already granted and it still doesn't work. What make this even more frustrating now is the fact that for the second time, my manually installed extensions have been removed and I have to keep adding them.
RE: Empty online trashSynchronization
@leocg I have no trash in my working synced devices so maybe its on of the old devices that I don't have any longer
- Opera add-ons
Empty online trashSynchronization
How can I empty the Bookmarks/Trash Bookmarks in the online https://www.sync.opera.com
<a href="https://ibb.co/CpLsK8g"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/20JY3hx/os.jpg" alt="os" border="0"></a>