@panosv I understand this is the default behavior already, because after a few minutes, when you return to an older tab, you'll notice it will be completeley reloaded. That means that either Opera or Android itself is unloading the tab from RAM whenever they consider it appropriate.
Posts made by andreszs
RE: There is an option to suspend opened tabs?Opera for Android
RE: Forum in Dutch languageFeedback for the Forums
Now that we are in the language topic, I think this policy of creating language-specific forums is wrong to begin with. The Opera browser should provide the means to dynamically translate contents in foreign languages to the user's language, almost without user intervention, or as proposed here.I strongly believe the language barrier should be overcome rather than enhanced, with the current translation services tools (not to mention AI) that are already available.
[Suggestion]Allow to write posts on any language in main areas of the forumFeedback for the Forums
I was astonished to find that your staff has simply blocked a topic because the user asked a question in spanish about adding search engines into his Opera browser.
As of 2024, translation services are implemented into most browsers, except those that lag behind. Instead of simply locking/erasing topics, why not start working on innovative ways to workaround the language barrier, instead of enforcing it with extremist methods?
- The Opera browser user could right click selected text and show an option "Translate to [user's OS language name]"
- Detect that portions of the page are in a language other than English and show a small top bar "Translate contents in [detected language] to [user's OS language] - Close". Include an option «Never on this page», in case the user is multilingual and is using a dictionary or language learning website.
- Auto-highlight in light yellow posts or blocks of text in languages other than English (for pages in English) or user's language and show a small button "Translate" to translate it to the user's OS/browser language.
- Move posts to the dedicated language forum rather than locking topics with an english message. With your current policy, the user is guaranteed never to return here.
As a senior PHP developer, these are just the options I can think of while composing this post in my coffee break. Surely your developers could come up with much better ideas to overcome the language barrier in a more efficient way than implementing language-specific forums and locking posts without further ado.
Also, these are the Opera forums for Opera users, so concentrate in what Opera browser can do to improve this, and ignore the features from other browsers like Edge - if they can or cannot auto-translate posts in foreign languages, that is their problem, not yours.
If you want to promote Opera Aria AI, why not start by using it to improve your own services and applications?
RE: Stuck at 'review your data settings'Opera for Android
@charlesmcevoy Suggestion: Relocate the Opera offices in China or elsewhere.
I wonder when the EU will stop bothering millions of users with their consent screens and cookie permission prompts. They didn't even manage to impose a standard USB connector for mobile devices, yet they persist with these idiotic prompt requirements to annoy users worldwide.
RE: Advertising link at top of start pageOpera for Android
@dickc That is strange indeed. Try Settings > Start page > disable "Suggested sites", "Live scores", and "News". I have all that stuff disabled the second I install Opera on a new device.
RE: Opera for android won't start/loadOpera for Android
@bigbobagg To be honest, restarting your Android phone can solve many problems. Some Android versions even included an option to periodically auto-restart the device on a scheduled basis, and your bug is one of the reasons why they have added such option.
You should always restart the phone once or twice per month, to clear up memory and solve potential issues that are present in the background. Since we have no "Task manager" like in Windows, this is the only option to fix potential issues.
RE: Sort bookmarks by date and timeSuggestions and feature requests
@forestworker90 Why can't you simply use the «Sort by newest» option? I understand this would sort them by bookmark add date, supposing they are storing that value.
Opera blocking ad-blocking detection needs to stop nowOpera for Android
My wordress site includes a Google plugin to manage ads, analytics and other Google services. They have even developed a feature to detect ad-blockers and kindly request users to unblock the site, because they understand that ads help keeping sites online.
Now, this script works perfectly fine on Chrome and Firefox as shown below:
I remember this script was working correctly a few Opera (Android) versions ago, however, in Opera 78.5.4143.75924 it does not appear at all. It seems some Opera developers assumed it would be great to detect and block ad-blocking detection scripts like this, and in that, they have succeeded.
While this may seem like a great idea from an end-user's point of view, you need to understand that most websites are kept online with income from ads. Whenever I encounter this screen, I allow ads on the page because I understand that VPS hosting is not free.
Otherwise, please stop blocking our ad-blocking detection scripts, so we can ask our users to turn off their ad blockers and help us cover the VPS costs. Just a reminder, hosting isn't free, and every hosted site comes with its expenses. Blocking all ads and ad-blocker detection scripts messes with the whole system, and things can't just carry on as usual. Your help in this would keep everything running smoothly.
RE: Constant sync pausing and Opera account logoutOpera for Android
@leocg said in Constant sync pausing and Opera account logout:
@andreszs said:
Speed Dial shortcuts were not downloaded
Did you check in Other Speed Dials ?
OMG you are right the bookmarks and devices were hidden there in the mystery label-less white icon, thank you!! It's remarkable how good they managed to hide such an important section with an unlabeled light gray icon mixed with the useless default shortcuts nobody cares about.
Let me introduce the Opera team to a term called usability. There's plenty of important UI design tips there, so check it out. In short: Replace the light gray icon with a large (width:100%) button below the default speed dial icons, and label it as "Import Bookmarks" or anything of the sort.
Constant sync pausing and Opera account logoutOpera for Android
Opera: latest as of today
OS Android 8.0.0
Device Samsung S7Account sync errors
After reinstalling Opera due to a data corruption (Opera was broken after moving its data to SD card and invited me to re-install it) I have these issues:
- Speed Dial shortcuts were not downloaded
- Sync website shows my device twice: One with the default 8 speed dial shortcuts, other with my 33 shortcuts.
Questions that need answer
- How did Opera manage to sync only bookmarks and history but not speed dial?
- How do I tell opera to recover my 33 speed dial shorcuts from the original installation?
Needless to say, the only thing I really needed to restore are the speed dial icons. Please let me know if you have any ideas.
Strangely, the sync.opera.com site does not allow to edit, import, export, download, copy, rename, nor remove bookmarks/devices. Available actions there equals Null. Someone with basic PHP knowledge could have these features ready in a matter of days for sure.
RE: Cannot disable spell check feature from latest versionOpera for Android
Thanks, but I use the default Samsung keyboard.
Now that I recall, I've recently accepted 2 updates from the Samsung Galaxy store, one was called Device maintenance, and the other I completely forgot. This was about the same time that Opera was updated. Unfortunately there seems to be no "history" of installed updates in the idiotic Galaxy Store.
This issue happens on certain sites only, not in every single one, which is even more bizarre.Auto spell check is disabled, and it should underline words in RED according to its settings:
Any more ideas will be really appreciated, this is quite annoying and I don't want to switch to Samsung Internet nor Firefox, I've been an Opera fan since I got it for my Nokia 5530 with Symbian ages ago. (I'm definitely not switching to Chrome ever)
Cannot disable spell check feature from latest versionOpera for Android
After updating to version 60.1.300.55238 (latest) in my S7 with Android 8.0.0, the browser decided to start underlining non-english words in all textareas. This is absolutely annoying and there seems to be no way to disable it.
The phone is set to english but my primary language is spanish so I type in Spanish, but regardless, I dont't want any underlining at all in any language Whatsoever. Really, I'm fine, thank you, please stop it.
Kindly let me know if this idiotic behaviour can be disabled somehow. I'm reverting to version 59 as soon as I find an APK anywhere, thank you.