@Vince34 anyone ?
Latest posts made by Vince34
- Suggestions and feature requests
RE: [Duplicated]How to change the language of the Opera Browser in Linux Mint?Opera for Linux
( "Eu penso que com os meios de tradução atuais, você não terá nenhuma dificuldade em traduzir para o português :)")On My Kubuntu
sudo nano /home/vince/.local/share/applications/opera-developer.desktop
GNU nano 8.1 /home/vince/.local/share/applications/opera-developer.desktop [Desktop Action new-private-window] Exec=opera-developer --incognito --lang=fr-fr Name=New Private Window TargetEnvironment=Unity [Desktop Action new-window] Exec=opera-developer --new-window --lang=fr-fr Name=New Window TargetEnvironment=Unity [Desktop Entry] Actions=new-window;new-private-window; Categories=Network;WebBrowser; Comment[fr_FR]=Fast and secure web browser Comment=Fast and secure web browser Exec=env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/opera-developer_opera-developer.desktop opera-developer -lang=fr %U GenericName[fr_FR]=Web browser GenericName=Web browser Icon=opera-developer MimeType=text/html;application/xml;application/x-opera-download; Name[fr_FR]=Opera developer Name=Opera developer Path= PrefersNonDefaultGPU=false StartupNotify=true Terminal=false TerminalOptions= TryExec=opera-developer Type=Application Version=1.0 X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false X-KDE-Username=
Add Circle and Square to SnapshotSuggestions and feature requests
Please can you just add a simple things in the Snapshot, because it's just too difficult to make a 'good' square or circle with the lines tool
Square ( without use lines )
Circle ( without use lines too ... )