Hi @raulsanchez, it's not assigned by default, but you can add your own for WS 1-5: go to opera:settings/keyboardShortcuts
, type "work" in the search box, and you should be able to see it.

Best posts made by l33t4opera
RE: R2020 is here and it lets you tidy your browsingBlogs
RE: [Solved]Can't import passwordsOpera for Windows
@Kimdo go to
and enable it, press "Relaunch" button, Go toopera:settings/passwords
, click the 3-horizontal-dots symbol on the right of "Saved Passwords", and select "Import", then select your .csv file. -
RE: opera 66 video popup has a limit in sizing, no controls, etcOpera for computers
Hi @alexiures, @pete8475. @point-j, @xandrya, @wfpl.
You can bring back the old video pop-out, just follow the steps:
1. Go toopera:flags
, and switch to "Disabled" two flags:
2. Restart the Opera - this is necessary to apply the change. -
RE: [Solved]New tab page (Not Speed Dial)Opera for Mac
Hi @kittyhawk72, for that purpose, you can install the "New Tab Start Page" extension.
When you open the above link, it will ask you to install first the "Install Chrome Extensions" extension, which allows you to install the "New Tab Start Page".
After you install it, press "Add to Opera", and when you install it, you can add custom URL for your new tab page in the options, and press "Save". -
RE: Opera scroll bar to light!Opera for Windows
Hi @thebluncik @operabestbrowser @dustsucker, if you want, then you can check the "Rescroller" extension, in which you can "style each scroll bar element and their properties, including the sizes and colors of shadows and borders" (by default the scroll buttons are disabled, but you can enable them back under Buttons > Show scroll buttons). To install it in the Opera, you need first install one of the following extensions: "Extension source viewer", or "Download Chrome Extension".
As a really simple alternative to the above, you can try the "Win7 Scrollbars" extension, although it does not offer any options, it seems to fulfill its task, as the slider seems to be quite visible
Small notice: the extensions will not work on the internal pages of the Opera.
RE: При выделении текста всплывает контекстное меню искать либо копировать. Как отключить?Русский
Привет @qq11q, попробуйте отключить его следующим образом: нажмите "Alt+P", чтобы перейти к настройкам, затем нажмите "Браузер", и прокрутите вниз до "Интерфейс пользователя", а затем снимите флажок слева от "Enable the search popup on selecting text" (у меня это на английском языке).
RE: Opera doesn't show all my bookmarks in "Other bookmarks"Opera for Windows
Hi @mathias87, @pindos, the issue looks to be fixed in the latest update (67.0.3575.53).
RE: [Solved]Widevinecdm supportOpera for Linux
Hi @ganesanrajesh, you can check, if the below steps will help in your case:
1. Download the libffmpeg for NW.js, as mentioned here, or version of the lib, that matches (or is closest to) the Chromium version for your Opera, e.g. in the recent stable 76.0.3809.132 try one of 76...100, that matches your Ubuntu/Linux distro from here, and navigate to Opera's installation root (check the path inopera:about
> Paths > Install), add a new "lib_extra" subfolder, and unpack the "libffmpeg.so" file from the archive/package mentioned above into it.
2. If you have Widevine already installed on one of the paths, that Opera can recognize and it still doesn't work, you can try to follow the steps mentioned here. -
RE: Opera 65.0.3466.0 developer updateBlogs
Hi, I have a small request, please make the sidebar transparent (as it was in the past), having the current theme as a background, as it's shown below:
Also, if it's not so difficult (do not take much time and resources), please separate it from the Opera's menu panel, when the sidebar is enabled on the SD page or at all.
- Русский
Latest posts made by l33t4opera
RE: Opera 96 dev newsFuture releases
New update - 96.0.4674.0
The blog post.
New Opera's flags:
(Mac/Windows, disabled by default - work in progress)
Controls whether the platform AAC decoder runs in the GPU process instead of the renderer process.
(enabled by default - ready to test it)
Use separate compositor thread in the browser UI.
The flags #snapshot-full-page and #tab-tooltip-close-tabs are enabled in this version (ready to check them).
Selected changes, fixes and improvements:
- DNA-104544 Crash at Snapshot Tool: opera::LayOnCenterTop(int, std::initializer_list)
- DNA-104601 Crash at opera::EasyShareButtonControllerTabHelper::StartOnboarding()
- DNA-104602 Crash at cc::RasterContextProviderWrapper::CleanUpOnImpl()
- DNA-98747 Disabling bookmarks syncing makes Pinboards toggle unclickable
- DNA-104241 Manage password button doesn't work
- DNA-104369 Videos and sound don’t stop after hiding Messenger in the Sidebar
- DNA-104390 Remove Windows 7/8 support from media patch
- DNA-104422 Video pop out controls not appearing on Google Drive videos
- DNA-104612 [News] Invisible button in news category
- Other changes in the change log
Chromium is updated to 110.0.5481.30.
- Opera for computers
RE: Opera 94 stable newsOpera for computers
New update - 94.0.4606.65
The blog post.
New Opera's flag #speed-dial-custom-image
(disabled by default - work in progress).
Allow users to edit their Speed Dial item image on Start Page.
Selected changes, fixes and improvements:
- DNA-104035 [SD] browser crashes, when dragging tiles with fresh profile
- DNA-102726 [SD] when trying to drop SD item from folder back to folder new folder is created
- DNA-103618 [SD] not possible to drag SD item into empty folder
- DNA-103909 [SD] not possible to drop SD item in empty place, when hovering over edge of other tile
- DNA-102936 [News Categories] categories become invisible after minimizing browser window
- DNA-102988 [News categories] only games category displayed after changing browser language
- DNA-103000 [News Categories] selected categories not saved after restarting browser
- DNA-104196 [News Categories] categories don't work
- DNA-103097 [Settings] enable ‘Adjust Speed Dial animations for slower hardware’ option to have effect
- DNA-103595 [Navigation] show which element is focused when navigating with keyboard shortcuts
- DNA-103678 Font modification from themes not applied
- DNA-104040 Can not drag tile to open folder
- DNA-104218 [Search box] Search engine icon does not change
- More changes in the change log
RE: Opera 95 beta newsFuture releases
New update - 95.0.4635.15
The blog post.
New Opera's flag #speed-dial-custom-image
(disabled by default - work in progress).
Allow users to edit their Speed Dial item image on Start Page.
Some changes, fixes and improvements:
- DNA-103097 [Settings] enable ‘Adjust Speed Dial animations for slower hardware’ option to have effect
- DNA-104196 [News Categories] categories do not work
- DNA-104218 [Search box] search engine icon does not change
- More changes in the change log
Chromium is updated to 109.0.5414.74 and includes several important security fixes.
- Future releases
RE: Opera 96 dev newsFuture releases
New update - 96.0.4660.0
The main news in this version is an option to add own images for Start Page tiles - more info in the blog post.
Selected changes, fixes and improvements:
- DNA-104104 Lucid mode doesn't work in PiP
- DNA-104324 Unrecognized Content-Security-Policy directive ‘opera-toolkit-inline-svg-policy’
- DNA-104328 Clicking on ‘Lucid Mode’ or ‘Pip’ button on video in the tab unmutes TikTok in the panel
- DNA-104354 Tab title is unexpectedly replaced by *…*, when it fits in tool-tip width
- DNA-104353 [Mac] no hover state on traffic light buttons
- DNA-103923 [Win] Opera's installer silent installation should not add consent to installer prefs
- Other changes in the change log
Opera 95 beta newsFuture releases
The beta channel has been updated to 95.0.4635.10
The blog post.
New Opera's flags (disabled by default - work in progress):
Allows to enable/disable individual categories in unfiltered address bar drop-down.
(adopted from Chromium)
Enables password generator suggestion for password fields.
Show list of prepopulated region top sites, when user top sites are not enough.
Make snapshot's full page available. Creates additional popup, after clicking snap button in the address bar.
Provides suggestions for specific keywords.
Enables automatic download of this extension on startup.
The flag #private-window-welcome-page-with-vpn is enabled in this version (ready to check it).
Removed Opera's flags: #enhanced-address-bar and history-onboarding.
Chromium is updated to a new major version 109.0.5414.61.
You can read about all changes for this version in the full change log.
RE: Opera 96 dev newsFuture releases
New update - 96.0.4653.0
The blog post.
Selected changes, fixes and improvements:
- DNA-104223 DCHECK at break_list.h(145), when clicking “Search tabs” button
- DNA-102931 Typing in the address bar increases CPU usage, when a lot of windows is opened
- DNA-103340 Adapt ‘run at startup’ feature
- DNA-104027 Restore "Progressive Web Apps" support
- DNA-104196 News Categories don't work
- DNA-104201 Set back Baidu as default search engine in China
- DNA-104230 Auto-fill is not working correctly
- DNA-104234 Opera update resets all consents to False value
- DNA-104236 Don’t allow consent prefs to be overwritten by installer
- DNA-104254 Opera renders red QR code square for WebAuthn authenticator
- DNA-104278 Don’t show Lucid Mode button on videos, when hardware acceleration is off
- DNA-104116 [Mac] Opera accesses desktop files even if user doesn't allow it
- Other changes in the change log
Chromium is updated to 110.0.5464.2.
RE: Opera 94 stable newsOpera for computers
New update - 94.0.4606.54
The blog post.
New Opera's flag #specific-keywords
(disabled by default - work in progress).
Provides suggestions for specific keywords.
Selected changes, fixes and improvements:
- DNA-102035 [Settings] shortcut search doesn't work
- DNA-104201 Set back Baidu as default search engine in China
- DNA-104234 Opera update resets all consents to false value
- DNA-104278 Don’t show Lucid Mode button on videos, when hardware acceleration is off
- More changes in the change log
RE: Opera 94 stable newsOpera for computers
Small, but important update - 94.0.4606.38
The blog post and the change log.
Chromium is updated to 108.0.5359.125, which includes several important security fixes.