Nircmd with Opera 11.xx ( M2 )
emc last edited by
Could someone please let me know what was missing to the below:
When using Nircmd in M2 compose.......... ( right click context menu I have assigned the below )
Go to line start & delay, 2000
& Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkeypress enter"
& Delay, 200 & Go to start & Delay, 2000
& Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkey shift down" & Delay, 2000
& Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkeypress down" & delay, 2000
& Email increase text size
The problem is:
The compose area is not "selected" as above sequence supposed holding the shift key & down & highlight 1 - 2 rows.
but I found the shift key is indeed trigger to press down., I have to press the keyboard shift key to release it.
Why the rows of mail body not select & highlight ?
Thank you very much. Edmond.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Why are you trying to use an external program for all that? Opera can already select multiple lines of text ...
The commands to extend a selection all start with the word "Range", if you look you'll see "down shift" is assigned to "Range go to next line".
emc last edited by
Oh,,,,, it is out of my knowledge.....
I just tried, but not success. Is it:
Insert, " insert some of my words in the email body ", & Delay, 600
& Go to line start & delay, 2000
& Range to to next line
I did that but " Insert some of my words in the email body " does not select & does not highlight.
Thank you very much
Edmond -
emc last edited by
Found ! ( and thank you )
Should be range next line ( not range to to next line )
I found it here ==>
Thannk you very much
edmond. -
emc last edited by
Hi sgunhouse,
Do you know of may be magic command to set the desire fonts in M2 ?
I know :
=Range next line & delay, 200 & email increase text size & email increase size & Toggle style bold ..etc.
I understand I could have to use nircmd to open font dialogue............ go to end..... previous item, previous item...etc.
If M2 have some magic settling so that during "range next line & toggle style bold " I can also ask M2 choose fonts say " Tahoma" ?
Thank you very much.