Can't see full name of files during download
meyap last edited by leocg
i am downloading 3 files and cannot see full name and i try to see all downloading page but i see 2 fies !!!! can you believe it i am donloading 3 files but it shows 2 files, vand still i cannot see full name
meyap last edited by
are you serious, i have not enoughh brain sell to check it but there is no problem on me, this browser is trash and time to change it, my email and others is registered but i will change there is no way i already use chrome or other browser when i format computer or new computer, i think opera is old and seedy any more, download tab is very very basic things to arrange but opera cannot do this basic things and nobody check it, i use opear 20 years and sometimes it is time to change somethink, new thinks will be useful opera does new thinks and it is trash.