UBS banking giant says Opera Browser not up to tech specs
Born-in-Gva last edited by leocg
UBS banking giant says OPERA Browser not up to tech specs
UBS banking giant suggests to switch to others like Google, Edge, Safari, Firefox etc. Has anyone received this problem notification by UBS ?
Born-in-Gva last edited by
You must ask this question to UBS.
They are one saying Opera Browser is not up to their Technical Standards, and threaten to stop access to UBS accounts via e-banking if the the Browser is not up dated...
This is an issue Opera should take up with UBS.
I am only a humble simple user ! -
opeepo10 last edited by
@Born-in-Gva Unforunately some website developers do a check before a website loads to check if it is the most popular browsers only because they only tested their website with those browsers. So it's not that the technical specifications are any better or any worse, just that they only did testing with certain browsers and so anything other than those browsers gets a blanket error message. There are add-ons/extensions you can add to change your user agent but I haven't had the best luck with those personally. That may be more to do with cookies being set already and not so much that the extension doesn't work.
Born-in-Gva last edited by leocg
Thank you for your concern and feedback.In the meantime, I upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11 and… o magic… for 3 days the UBS message did not appear…
But as of today, it has returned…
I wish Opera would take this up with UBS directly… or I will soon be forced to change browser, which I don’t want to do !
opeepo10 last edited by opeepo10
@Born-in-Gva I don't know anyone who only has one browser installed on their device. Even my cell phone has like 5 different browsers on it.
Opera works great on 99.9% of websites. On the rest, I use a different browser. It doesn't mean you have to use that browser all the time, just when you log in to certain sites. You do not have to swear allegiance to those browsers. Just log in to your bank, do your business and log out and go back to your default browser.
I have this issue with my insurance company. I also have or had this problem with logging into the web UI for some of my newer surveillance cameras which is infuriating.
I also used to have another need to temporarily use Safari browser when I wanted to use ApplePay. That's no longer required but it used to be.