Vpn pro activation problem.
A Former User last edited by
I can't use vpn pro even though I opened my account on vpn pro and upgraded the account by paying. Can anyone help me? Moreover, if I cannot activate it until June 8, the money I have given will be wasted and I will not get a refund.
A Former User last edited by
@leocg Although I upgraded my vpn pro account by paying for it, when I activate the vpn, only free extensions are shown. I click on the free trial section and click on the 1 year upgrade, since I have already upgraded the account, it throws me directly to the install vpn pro client tab. Despite installing the client, the account still shows as a free account. But my credit card seems to have been paid for 1 year of use. Likewise, in opera, which is android, the vpn pro upgrade is still pending.