Local Models are not Working (Aria in Opera Developer)
BestCodes last edited by
I'm running Opera developer on Ubuntu version 23.10. I'm using Opera Developer version 111.0.5138.0.
Update stream:developer System:Ubuntu 23.10 (x86_64; ubuntu:GNOME) Chromium version:124.0.6356.6 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/ (Edition developer) Install: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera-developer Profile: /home/XXXX/.config/opera-developer/Default Cache: /home/XXXX/.cache/opera-developer/Default
When I try to toggle on Local AI Models (here:
), nothing happens. I get these errors in the console:Unchecked runtime.lastError: Event won't fit schema: 'feature_events.event_ai' { "action": "SettingChanged", "context": "Sidebar", "element": "AISetting", "model": null, "str_value": "local_model:enabled" } (Path: feature_events.event_ai.model Expected: { "name": "event_ai_RECORD_model_ENUM", "symbols": [ "Unknown", "ChatGpt", "ChatSonic", "HelpChat", "ChatAlpha", "Aria" ], "type": "enum" } Actual: [null] = 'null')
LOCAL MODELS API -> LOCAL MODELS START ERROR: OLLAMA_PATH_NOT_VALID (anonymous) @ aria.js:2 (anonymous) @ aria.js:2 (anonymous) @ aria.js:172 aria.js:2 aria-popup -> LOCAL MODELS ENABLE ERROR false (anonymous) @ aria.js:2 (anonymous) @ aria.js:2 (anonymous) @ aria.js:172 p @ aria.js:2 (anonymous) @ aria.js:2 (anonymous) @ aria.js:2 Wt @ aria.js:2 s @ aria.js:2 Promise.then (async) Wt @ aria.js:2 o @ aria.js:2 (anonymous) @ aria.js:2 (anonymous) @ aria.js:2 (anonymous) @ aria.js:172 setChecked @ aria.js:172 onChange @ aria.js:172 Le @ aria.js:2 Ge @ aria.js:2 (anonymous) @ aria.js:2 Fi @ aria.js:2 Bi @ aria.js:2 (anonymous) @ aria.js:2 xc @ aria.js:2 Ne @ aria.js:2 Vi @ aria.js:2 Qt @ aria.js:2 Ht @ aria.js:2 i @ aria.js:2
Does anyone know why the local models are not working?
I have node and pip on my system and have used gpt4all and ollama successfully before.Thanks!
Hi, I'm Best_codes! I'm a full-stack web dev who moderates on the makeblock forum. My website is here: https://the-best-codes.github.io/?opera. I love Opera, so I'm on here occasionally to report bugs and answer some questions.