Opera 17 - bookmarks and other troubles
sdhampton last edited by
I can't find the quick access bar and I only have preferences not settings... Are we all looking at the same Opera? Is it possible my Mac version is comprehensively different to everyone else's Windows versions?
sdhampton last edited by
Originally posted by HorizonCkr:
Thank you Pesala for providing something useful. I did search, read many, many posts, all unhelpful. Sure there was helpful info available within searches all along - IF I clicked on the right link. Now, after I've wasted a saturday am wading through all the noise I've finally had enough and will go somewhere more user friendly. Thank you very much.
I've also been totally shocked as to how completely difficult people "with the knowledge" are to those looking for guidance.
I too have spent the last hour fumbling my way through v17 (jumped from the lovely v12) and am totally stumped. Opera is now so completely and fundamentally different that I don't recognise my previously-favourite browser any more.
Arrogant comments like "search before you post" defeats the whole purpose of a discussion forum. If there is a discussion on the topic, lust link to it. If there's an explanation in the help files, copy and paste them into a response. Be solution-based, not problem-based.
I've read through the help sections. I even read up the section of importing my bookmarks into the speed dial, but I made no connection to the fact that speed dial is the replacement to bookmarks, not just a few favourites. This is not my failing, but a failing of the features not being properly explained and presented to new users (which we all are).
My next problem is I can't access Opera link to syncronise my ex-bookmarks with my mobile Opera. I read that I must just click on the cloud icon in the bottom left crner of the browser window β but I have no icons or status bar at all at the bottom.
Because of the "only ask clever questions" attitude here, I'm too scared to even ask advice...
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by sdhampton:
I've also been totally shocked as to how completely difficult people "with the knowledge" are to those looking for guidance.
You just joined, we have been answering these same questions about Bookmarks and QAB almost daily since Opera 15 was released. A quick search of this forum for "Bookmarks" will find several threads with the answer, so why should anyone provide a link or repeat the answer yet again?
It is too bad if you think people are arrogant to remind new users to follow the forum rules.
Anyone who does their homework before ranting like the OP, but is still stuck will get polite help soon enough.
Originally posted by sdhampton:
I made no connection to the fact that speed dial is the replacement to bookmarks,
It's not. The Quick Access Bar is the replacement for the Bookmarks Bar. It's best to import your bookmarks to the QAB.
Originally posted by HorizonCkr:
First I went to "help" and typed in "bookmarks" - no help there.
Really? This is what I see now, though maybe it has been updated since your post.
Migrate your data
Help | Migrate your data Migrate your data from Opera 12 If you've upgraded from Opera 12 to Opera versions 15 and higher, you may notice that the browser has changed, and you may wonder what has happened to your data. Do not fear, Opera has migrated much of this seamlessly for you. During your upgrade, your Opera 12 profile was left unaltered. Data from your profile has been integrated into your new Opera browser. This includes passwords, cookies, user-defined searches, and extensions. Your new... -
sdhampton last edited by
Originally posted by Pesala:
It's not. The Quick Access Bar is the replacement for the Bookmarks Bar. It's best to import your bookmarks to the QAB.
But quick access bar only shows a few buttons, so you're right, it is a replacement for the Bookmarks Bar... but I think we're talking about the bookmarks menu β I certainly am.
And by the way, I've just done a search for "Quick Access Bar" in both Google and Opera's help.
Opera's help produced only 3 results β neither of which actually discussed the quick access bar so how am I supposed to be so informed as to not need to ask stupid questions on forums.
Google pointed me to the forum where I've learnt that I have to "hack" into Opera to activate it as an "experimental" feature? This is what's bugging us so much β common features have been deactivated/removed/disabled and hidden away to be found by spending hours pouring through the forums for hidden features.
As for being new here β actually my account is new so I can syncronise with my new smartphone. My old account is several years old, but Opera has been so straightforward to use that I've never needed to post on the forum for help.
Speaking of which... how do I sync when there is no cloud icon in the bottom left corner of my browser (as the help documentation tells me there should be)? Do I also have to hack Opera to turn on a promoted feature?
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by sdhampton:
Speaking of which... how do I sync when there is no cloud icon in the bottom left corner of my browser
You don't. This has also turned experimental and cannot even be activated yet.
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by sdhampton:
But quick access bar only shows a few button
I had 1,534 bookmarks at the last count β all of them fit on the QAB with 12 folders and 2 frequently used bookmarks (Home page, and opera:flags).
Originally posted by sdhampton:
I've just done a search for "Quick Access Bar" in both Google and Opera's help.
But why didn't you search the forum as suggested?
With a little reading of these forums, you would soon realise that Opera 17 is an unfinished product with lots of experimental features disabled by default.
Keep using an older version of Opera 12.16 or 11.64 until Opera Next is ready for real work. A Bookmarks menu and Opera Link are the least of your worries, but they will come in due course.
frenzie last edited by
Originally posted by scratchspace:
I have no patience for trolls or whiners who misstate things, but it needs to be said that the injunction to "search the forum" relies, in the case of Opera 15/16/17, on a false premise, and consequently that injunction's validity is seriously compromised. The premise on which the validity of an injunction to "search the forum" rests is that the basic, essential information that applies to a product (Opera 17, in this case) exists in a coherent form and is easily accessed.
The Opera 17/18/19 help says nothing about the QAB but just has some lame text about converting bookmarks to speed dialβthe opposite of what anybody wants.
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by scratchspace:
Originally posted by Pesala:
But why didn't you search the forum . . .?
I have no patience for trolls or whiners who misstate things, but it needs to be said that the injunction to "search the forum" relies, in the case of Opera 15/16/17, on a false premise, and consequently that injunction's validity is seriously compromised. The premise on which the validity of an injunction to "search the forum" rests is that the basic, essential information that applies to a product (Opera 17, in this case) exists in a coherent form and is easily accessed. In other words, users should not have to resort to searching on a forum in order to obtain basic, essential information about a product, especially when that product is going through a period of radical transformation, as is the case here. Yet, they do have to resort to this in the case of Opera 15/16/17, because Opera ASA and those whom it has authorized to act on its behalf have chosen not to make this basic, essential information available and easily accessible. And that is lame.
I have to agree with Pesala in this case. The questions being asked have been answered countless times over the past several weeks. Searching the forum rather than doing a Google search would have revealed the relevant information. If you disagree, then why didn't you provide the links and the information being sought by the OP? I suppose "canned" responses could be prepared so that when a new poster asks these typical questions, a "canned, prepared answer" could be pasted as a reply. I don't particularly want to do this but perhaps you or someone else will take it upon himself to do it.
Bottom line for me is simply this: the new browser (whatever version it is) is still being developed. It can in no wise match the feature complete Presto version 12 and users need to understand this. And understanding this can save a lot of headaches by simply sticking with the older version and keeping an eye on the development of the newer version until such time as it is deemed "ready" by the user.
frenzie last edited by
Originally posted by leushino:
Bottom line for me is simply this: the new browser (whatever version it is) is still being developed. It can in no wise match the feature complete Presto version 12 and users need to understand this. And understanding this can save a lot of headaches by simply sticking with the older version and keeping an eye on the development of the newer version until such time as it is deemed "ready" by the user.
But where is it mentioned on the Opera site so users can understand? This understanding doesn't magically occur in a vacuum, hence what scratchspace wrote.
berng last edited by
Originally posted by Frenzie:
Originally posted by leushino:
Bottom line for me is simply this: the new browser (whatever version it is) is still being developed. It can in no wise match the feature complete Presto version 12 and users need to understand this. And understanding this can save a lot of headaches by simply sticking with the older version and keeping an eye on the development of the newer version until such time as it is deemed "ready" by the user.
But where is it mentioned on the Opera site so users can understand? This understanding doesn't magically occur in a vacuum, hence what scratchspace wrote.
I agree.
Opera just won a significant MAC award. But how many MAC people who consequently try Opera will drop it when they don't see that bookmarks are supported using the QAB?
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by Frenzie:
This understanding doesn't magically occur in a vacuum, hence what scratchspace wrote.
Help documentation has always trailed behind development and probably always will. That's why we need a forum. So, having searched help, then Google and still not finding what one wants, people should search these forums for "Bookmarks" or "Quick Access Bar."
Try it, see how many threads you find. Far from being a vacuum, there is a wealth of information that would be far easier to find if not for all the rant threads.
Originally posted by xyzzy80:
Sorry for the rant, but Jesus, that 5 minutes of Opera 17 were really shocking to me.
After ten or fifteen minutes of searching and reading, if someone is still lost, then they should post, saying which threads they found, what they tried, which version they're using, and what they're trying to accomplish. By then, they will at least know something, and we won't be repeating ourselves quite so much.
Just leave out the whining, and everyone will find the help they need quickly, without any negativity.
4. Be specific and to the point. Lengthy rants can be a pain to read, and so the chances of a useful reply are drastically reduced. Remember, your audience is comprised of other Opera users who help you in their own free time. Keep it brief, and focus on the actual topic. Use paragraph and bulleted lists to make it easier to read.
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by scratchspace:
In other words, the absence of this sort of information is an element of their Blink PR campaign strategy.
It's not. It's an inevitable consequence of their fast development strategy. It is barely feasible to write documentation for features that are not yet fully developed. I don't subscribe to the conspiracy theories about Opera Blink. They have chosen a new route, and are working at full speed to make Opera Blink a viable alternative to Chrome and all the other browsers out there. As to whether it will ever be a substitute for Opera 11.64, I live in hope, but I am a realist β I may never upgrade.
Writing sticky threads for this forum is something that could be done, but as you know, when angry users join the forum just to rant or complain, they don't read the sticky threads either. You could PM one of the mods to see if they think it's worth doing.
Searching the forum won't fix all problems, but it's a good place to start, and strongly recommended as Rule #1.
frenzie last edited by
I agree with Pesala about what constitutes proper (forum) etiquette. However, it makes me wonder how many users simply left without ever looking at the forums.
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by Pesala:
You could PM one of the mods to see if they think it's worth doing.
I have sent a PM to the Community Manager.
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by Pesala:
Originally posted by Pesala:
You could PM one of the mods to see if they think it's worth doing.
I have sent a PM to the Community Manager.
I see two possible options:
1. Some sticky threads will be deemed "important" and carried over to the new forum.
2. The new forum will be a completely fresh start with absolutely no material from here.In the current situation it's most unlikely that mods care enough to make this forum serve newcomers properly. Everything is on hold. All forum members have "an important announcement" hanging over their screens.
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by scratchspace:
We're all guilty of being a bit careless in our choice of words at some time or another, so I'm not intending to hold you to an unrealistic standard here, but
But then you go on just the same.... and on... and on. Of course you admit that "we're all guilty of being A BIT CARELESS in our choice of words at some time or other" and since that is an inclusive statement that somehow let's you off the hook since you've included yourself in that statement. But the truth is, you never post apologies or retractions and that leads me to believe that your declaration above has a certain hollow ring to it.
Well.. I STILL agree with Pesala's original post and for the reasons I previously gave IN SPITE of your lengthy, correcting post. In other words: all those carefully worded sentences of yours fail to convince me otherwise.
rlwieneke last edited by
The questions being asked have been answered countless times over the past several weeks.
And as new users such as myself and others encounter the same problems and come to these forums, the same questions will continue to be asked over and over again. In the time the people with the knowledge post: "instructions to search before asking questions", they could simply post the answer to the question as leushino did and 98% of this string would have been eliminated and people could have productively moved on. If Pesala had simply answered the question on the second post, xyzzy80 may have thanked him in an additional post and this entire string would have consisted of three posts: the question, the answer, a thank you. But instead there are 48 posts on this string, 98% of which are arguing over protocol and have nothing to do with the topic. If I in the future come across a newbie asking this same question, I will copy and paste leushino's answer and get the newbie on his way. If some of you don't like this then an administrator should delete all the duplicate strings on this forum regarding this topic so there is only one string regarding this topic and doing a search for "bookmarks" would result in only the one result which all future newbies could easily find which would answer their question.