One identity for one tab - very important
Deleted User last edited by
While we are bombed with all these facebook, blogspot, youtube etc. functions we start tu use them for several tasks.
One most common result is having a facebook account for a private use and another one for a commercial use, own firm or fanpage.
The same concerns blogspot, youtube etc etc.
However when I log to facebook as a private user I'm always recognised as one all the time.
Google remembers me and I have to log off to log as another user again.So why none of the browsers offer MANAGING IDENTITIES so that I could log in as a private user (on one tab) and simultaneously as other identity (on another tab)?? The only possiblity now is to log in private tab but that has several limitations (one additional identity only, no memory of that tab after closing opera window).
I'd like Opera to be the first browser which would handle that.One Tab = One Identity (if the user chooses so).
Please make it happen!
Deleted User last edited by
Each identity tab should also remember adeqate login and password.
And opening new tab from this tab should clone its identity. -
Deleted User last edited by
No gain?
Check how many users have two or three accounts on facebook, you tube, blogger.
I woud say this feature could be crucial for chosing the Opera. -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
No gain?
Check how many users have two or three accounts on facebook, you tube, blogger.I would guess a low percentual among Opera users. Probably very few users among any browser users.
I woud say this feature could be crucial for chosing the Opera.
I don't think so as it was never asked before and also never implemented in any browser afaik. The cost doesn't worth the gain or vice-versa.
Deleted User last edited by
"I don't think so as it was never asked before and also never implemented in any browser afaik."
That's actually the argument for the opposite view. The fact that it is not implemented in any other browser is is a chance for being different - a crucial thing in the marketing (Al Ries & Jack Trout - 22 Immunite laws of marketing).
A possibility for winning with competition.It actually was asked before. Try google. People are advising each other how to solve this problem. That's how I've come to the solution of using private window as an additional identity.
They've hust didn't invent the solution. -
Deleted User last edited by
The only way to do it now is described in these help sites:
All the ways are wearing. is also Google Chrome extension that does it: -
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Opera does have private windows, each separate window can have a different identity ... and will promptly forget that you were logged in as that identity as soon as the private window is closed. I'm not sure what you expect the browser to do beyond that ...
A Former User last edited by
It's not good for your soul to have more than one personal account on a public service.
As to businesses, on Facebook - if you create a page, you can always switch to it (any of however many they are) within the same session (and same tab), then switch again/back/wherever. Those cookies will apply to the whole browser session (non-private), of course.
I know nothing about YouTube and other schmucks in that respect, though. -
Deleted User last edited by
No you can not. I have my private account on FB and a buisinness one + they are treated as different identities. I have to log off to log in.
Do you really think that solution with the private tab is sufficient?
First of all you can have only one additional identity for the private windows. Second - as you've said - the browser forgets the login and everything actually after it's been closed.
So going around something that does not work is not a sufficient solution.
I really do not understand your resistance. -
Deleted User last edited by
There are far more important features to work on than this which would have limited usage at best.
Deleted User last edited by
So why there are help pages on the net. People are searching for it.
Most of my friends have several identities and log on and off because they think it is not possible to do it another way. -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
So why there are help pages on the net. People are searching for it.How many people? Not enough for sure.
Most of my friends have several identities
I really will never get any good reason for someone to have several identities/logins in a same site/service. One personal and one professional sounds resonable but more than that seems kinda strange for me.
Back to the suggestion, it doesn't seems to be something that easy to implement and i'm not sure if will benefit enough users to worth the efforts.
Opera would have to create a (new) profile folder for each identity, create all the data files and load it when you open a tab with that profile. Then it would have to store data in (several) different profiles at the same time and make sure that one profile/identity can't see the other one's content.
Also context menu when right clicking on a link would have to show "open in new tab with profile 1", "open in new tab with profile 2", "open in new tab with a new profile" and so on, what would reallu become a mess if someone adds lots of profiles.
All of it would have impact in performance. I think it's more simple to just make standalone installs and use each one as a different profile if the case.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
I have 3 identities on Yahoo, because I already had one then my ISP provided another, and then we switchd ISPs a couple of times (though I don't use that second identity any more). Many ISPs will use Gmail or Yahoo as official mail provider, if you already have an account with one of their services you may get another. No idea on Facebook, except that (as stated) he may be managing his own account plus various businesses and organizations.
Come to think of it, I had two identites on MyOpera so I could see how things looked for a normal user.
gustavwiz last edited by
This would be useful to me, and it can't be impossible to make, private tabs in opera 12 are similar. But I still agree with that it's a feature with a... Secondary priority.