Delete old cookies and cached things from websites not visited in the past?
fuzi1968 last edited by fuzi1968
How can I delete all cookies and other cached things of websites which I haven't visited the past month or whatever?
I only want to specify a date and run delete.
I've just l looked into %LOCALAPPDATA%\Opera Software\Opera Stable:
The folder "Media Cache" has only files created & modified back in 2019. It looks like this folder isn't used anymore and I can delete?
The folder "Certificate Revocation Info" has only files created & modified back in 2018. It looks like this folder isn't used anymore and I can delete?
The folder "System Cache\Cache_Data" has 5 files and only data_0, data_1, data_2 have actual modified timestamp. data_3 and index are from 2022-01-23 (modified, created).
The folder "Cache\Cache Data" has 916 files and only 20 are older than a month.
The folder "Default\Cache\Cache_Data" has 1860 files and all have creation date from the past week.
The folder "Default\System Cache\Cache_Data" has 5 files (data_0 - data_3, index - all with actual file dates.
I'm wondering that there is no option to delete the data as requested in my question. Or I only can't find it.
Maybe there are some old local app folders which I can delete? I looks so. I' using 103.0.4928.34.
Thanks for the help - and clean-up support.
Using Opera since version 6.