Can I still download Opera 12.13?
A Former User last edited by
I'm using the 12.14 . The others bug for me on Ebay. And I can't admit it^^
stng last edited by
12.14 is the best version from 12.x line.
12.15 and beyond has deteriorated web-sites compatibility (discussed before).
Download 12.14 (Windows):
ruario last edited by
Once again I just want to remind people that that latest 12 builds are the ones with security issues fixed. Sure you can use an older one but you should understand that you are taking a risk.
Deleted User last edited by
It's so great that Opera continues to provide security patches in the latest Presto version. I'm at a loss to understand why people refuse to take advantage of this but insist upon using older versions, not only of browsers but of operating systems as well. To use Windows XP is simply foolish. To use older, unpatched versions of Opera is foolish. 12.14 is NOT the best Presto version. The best is the one that is patched to be secure and that is 12.17. But by all means... you know better than the engineers who are patching the code so go ahead and expose yourselves to the risks.
A Former User last edited by
To use Windows XP is simply foolish.
Go away!:party:
The best is the one that is patched to be secure and that is 12.17.
I know who uses the Best Version Ever.
Deleted User last edited by
You know... at times your silly posts remind me of the patient whose doctor enters his room and says, "You have emphysema and if you continue to smoke and take those risks, you can expect to live a short life." Windows XP is antiquated by today's standards. Does it still work? Yes... to a degree it does, particularly on older computers. If that is all you can use, then by all means use it with the understanding that you are taking a risk. You can ignore the warnings from every reputable computer site including Microsoft's dire warnings but then that is your prerogative just as the smoker's prerogative to continue smoking lies with him. And ... good luck to you.
Now... YOU go away. :party:
A Former User last edited by
The question was if it's possible to get a certain version of Opera (Presto).
The answer is yes. Nothing personal. -
vincent10 last edited by
We;ll I used XP all these years without problems. I used good Virus protection and Malware protection and never had an issue
vincent10 last edited by
Sorry meant to add I am now using 7 which is not all that old. * is not the kind of thing I want to use. Sorry if that offends some one. I also do not drive (or pay for) a 2015 car. Actually I drive a 1997 and can still get all the parts I need so let's not use the car analogy please.
I can not imagine anyone being serious saying Vista was better than XP. Newer is NOT better. I am new to 7 and like it. Vista sucked and cost MS a lot of customers so the put out a grown up version of XP and called it 7. How long was Vista out? less than two years. How long did XP work?
To be honest it seems most computer stuff is updated to justify the jobs of the and sales of the people selling it. I am one of the very few people I know that has been using Opera for going on 10 years and have told all the folks I deal with on forums (many thousands) how great it is. I am not as comfortable saying that now as I was 5 years ago. I LIKE Opera a lot. I do not like the newer versions.
Another example of this is I use PhotoBucket a lot because I post many pictures on the Forums. Thousands of people trust me and the way I explain things with photographs. EVERY single time PB has been "
improved" it has gotten harder to use but that have to "improve" it to keep selling it to their advertisers not to make the users happy because most are not.So, for me, the newer is better thing may not always seem correct. It is like taking a great little car like the Honda Civic and keep "improving" it until it is crammed full of digital goo gaws the original market for the car can not afford it anymore.
Sorry for the rant but to tell me I am am dumb to like a very useful feature is kinda harsh.
blackbird71 last edited by
@vincent10, has your original question been answered in terms of what you are looking for?
hitanykey last edited by
Just about every version ever made: [Unofficial Opera download link removed]
blackbird71 last edited by
A safer and wiser practice is to always go directly to the original source for software, whenever possible. In the case of Presto Opera for Windows, that would be .