How to remove '' from opera?
Stefan7808 last edited by
I would like to know how to remove '' from opera.
If you go on you always see some commercials. It´s OK.
But now if I stand on commercial with cursor, I don´t open it and if I am standing
there I see commercial is not comming from yahoo but from ´'
This is not OK. I read about it and it is classified as harmful thing. And I don´t know how to remove it. -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@stefan7808 I guess Yahoo is the one who needs to remove it.
You can try using an extension to block that address.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Look at, I think you might actually have malware on your computer (or just in Opera).
First, goto the URL
. Do you see any extensions installed that shouldn't be there? Or, even if there are only ones you've installed, have you installed any that are not from the or or have been removed from those sites?Might be best to remove all your extensions and clear cache and cookies for all time and test things again.
If you have trouble removing an weird extension or if it comes back after a restart of Opera, that's a good sign that it's malware
You might want to scan your system with the free version of Malwarebytes if you haven't already.
Stefan7808 last edited by
Hello, I used Malwarebites but it didn´t found it. But this it´s still there.
If I open extention. I see this.
Problem with is that it displays always the same commercial. That has nothing to do with yahoo or with your activity on internet.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
I am a little confused both links say the same thing but point to different places.
1st link goes to as it should.
2nd goes to /
strange but ublock origin extension blocks the first and i get This site cant be reached for second.1st
TLDR: try Ublock origin from opera extensions site, possible it wont fix it but will stop it happening again and most other pups.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@leocg it does seem to have a -- thats why i asked. maybe i wasnt clear.
In the OP it says 2 links and both say they lead to diff URLs if you click them.
(I am reckless like that)
Either way they get hosed on my opera with ublock installed so I am happy to test them out.One other odd thing is today opera seems to have multiple versions claiming to be the latest. I've seen 3 diff ones in forum posts today, not sure what that is all about as each poster says they have diff versions and all claim its latest version but they are all different any idea which is actually the latest version number.?
Just so we are all on the same page.
mine is -