Lost My Opened Tabs
AndrewCerberus last edited by
Yeah, the last 24hs have been really stressful for me.
I've just checked for updates, but there's none.I already disabled the tab islands, thanks.
I searched for that extension session buddy, on the add-ons store, but I couldn't find it.
But yesterday I made backups of all my workspaces, though.The version you have now, is what gave me all this troubles, I hope it doesn't happen to you, but just to let you know.
What angers me the most, is that the browser autoupdates itself (without being able to disable it), to a buggy version and then you realize you're screwed.
I hope they fix this problems really soon, otherwise, I'll uninstall it for good (and to keep what's left of my mental health).
dermotmoconnor last edited by
I had to get session buddy from their site (hope it's kosher, but no issues so far).
https://sessionbuddy.comOh, the big 'O' icon that plays automatically with MUSIC on first launch of an update: that, given all the problems we're having, reads to me like a massive "FU" every time it starts. They can afford programmers to write the code for that 1990s era stupidity, they can find some dev hours to fix this critical bug.
AndrewCerberus last edited by
@dermotmoconnor I'll check that link, and see if it works for me, thank you!
Yeah, that musicalized intro feels like "Hi there, come see how we'll screw you this time".
AndrewCerberus last edited by AndrewCerberus
@dermotmoconnor Another thing I noticed after this last update, and is really annoying, is that when you write a web address, and the autofill shows that you had it already open, when you click on the button (that appears at the right of the autofill) that takes you to it, you can see the content of that page, but the tab scroll doesn't move automatically to show you the tab you selected, and you have to scroll manually and search for it, and that is such a waste of time.
Did that happened to you too? -
dermotmoconnor last edited by
I'm not seeing that. But if I type a URL, say sp and it autofills space.com, I just hit enter and it takes me there. I'm not seeing this, unless my process is different? -
numbly last edited by
What you have to note for 101.0.4843.25 is another bugfix in the release notes:
"DNA-109310 Broken session files are not automatically recovered"
I'm still on 100.0.4815.76 with Linux, haven't experienced any wipeouts since, though with very conservative usage (no TabIland). From my observation, everything revolves around the files in the %Profilepath%\Sessions\ folder (on Windows and Linux).
With the wipeouts I could still observe at 100.0.4815.54, I was able to restore the previous state from backup. Side effects, e.g. with Sync, I could not observe, but it is probably safer to backup & restore the entire profile folder as alternative share data with another 3rd party plugin. -
AndrewCerberus last edited by
@dermotmoconnor No, what I meant is when you have a tab open (using your example) "space.com", amidst hundreds of other opened tabs (so you don't know where that specific tab is, and maybe you don't even remember that you had it open to begin with), you start typing the URL "sp" and the browser's autofill section displays the possible results for the letters you are typing, and one of them, "space.com" appears, but on the far right of that same row, a button also appears, that says "switch to tab", and when I click on it, it takes me to the page, showing me it's content, but if I want to locate the tab (to move it to another location or close it) the browser won't scroll automatically to show it to me anymore (as it did before this last update), so I'll have to scroll manually and search for that specific tab, which is really annoying and a waste of time.
Does that makes sense? -
AndrewCerberus last edited by
Even though I received the last update (101.0.4843.33), it happened to me again, 200+ tabs lost, fortunately I had them backed up in speed dial this time, but man this is becoming so tiresome.
I don't think I can take this anymore, I'm considering moving to Firefox definitely. -
mixchild last edited by
@andrewcerberus Opera needs built in session manager with workspace awareness
AndrewCerberus last edited by
@mixchild Yeah, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it, though (sigh).
But hey, one can dream, right? -
balduin01 last edited by balduin01
My Opera has Version 103.0.4892.0 and 15 minutes ago I lost all tabs in one workspace. What confuses me, in the directory session, where you normally find your backups, all of them are outdated a month ago. When I empty the previous directory there isn't even a new backup file generated at new browser start/close, so I think there is a new session save space?
But I lost only the tabs from one workspace and I didn't use that blue button on the right top corner. I closed normally, X. -
AndrewCerberus last edited by leocg
I just opened my Opera browser with version 101.0.4843.43, and it happened the same.
And while I'm writing these lines, it's downloading the update.
I don't know why they didn't fix this already, because this is a major problem!!! -
AndrewCerberus last edited by AndrewCerberus
The problem has worsened, with version 101.0.4843.58, I opened Opera to find now it erased me 200+ tabs from another workspace (not the one I was in when I closed the browser before shutting down my PC).
It's becoming impossible to use this browser anymore. -
dermotmoconnor last edited by
I've stopped having my entire session deleted - now, it's just my main workspace. I have six (my first one has my open tabs for email, social media, etc). The other five are OK. Strange stuff.
I use the speed dial trick of saving all workspace tabs in a speedial folder, so have been able to restore MOST of them there.
This is bananas stuff. Programmers at this point can't or won't fix this. Neither speaks well of them.
AndrewCerberus last edited by
Yeah, I really don't know what's happening that they didn't fix it already, because it hurts so bad the reputation of a browser that's not even in the top 3 regarding popularity IMO.
Any new user that discover this bug, will think this is a piece of garbage and will uninstall it without thinking it twice.
And I say it because I'm starting to thinking of doing it myself, because at this point I'm loosing hope that this will get fixed anytime soon. -
mgpreal last edited by
@andrewcerberus yeah dear my friend, also see my problem with opera if you wanna support to me link is here
beorn1 last edited by
Ok boys and girls, right now after upgrade to 102.0.4880.16 Opera still started from Zero.
That means, everything is lost. It is not the tab mess, i mean it is everything lost:- tabs
- workspaces
- speedial
- bookmarks
- plugins
- All settings incl. stored passwords etc.
I am using Opera since over 20 years, but this is ... sorry, I do not have any words for this, I am not a native english speaker ......
bahnendk last edited by
I came back to my computer today, to find my opera browser window missing. So i open up Opera again and get a dandy "Opera update to Opera one".
All open tabs gone
All browser history gone
All saved passwords goneWhat the actual...... !!
AndrewCerberus last edited by
It didn't happen to me (yet), but thanks for the heads-up, I will back up my bookmarks.
But yeah, this browser (since the damned "ONE" update) has been going from bad to worse, it looks like they are sabotaging themselves more and more with each update, and I'm reaching my limit.
If I loose all those things like you did, I'll uninstall this piece of trash browser (that's what it has become by now) for good.