[Duplicated]O-1 Updated w/out warning. Lost 80+ Tabs
Udor-Photo last edited by leocg
I can't believe this! I had about 80 tabs open, for a long time, where I toggle in between them for various topic, including work related for references.
Tried History and recovering tabs Gone! Gone! Gone!
ajoeiam last edited by
It seems we are having the revenge of the anti-tab user brigade.
It seems you also disagree with their system - - - 10 tabs max per window - - - you know.
I can't figure out how to remove this 'tab-island' malarky - - - if not possible - - - - opera disappears - - - that simple!Seems like browser are like poorly fitting underwear - - - not fit for use (LOL).
I used to use a lot more opera windows - - - lost a pile of windows and tabs at an update - - - since opera has windows on 'one' virtual desktop and no more.
My diatribe isn't helping you but its there to give you what I'm going to be doing in a short number of hours - - - - dump it!HTH
gmiazga Opera last edited by
@udor-photo hey. We are currently investigating this issue. Could you provide some more details like:
- operating system you got
- have you been using more then one window
- are you using workspaces
rechenkoenig last edited by
@gmiazga problem here is after unannounced update to Opera One just one of my two open windows has survived and all tabs (1000+) from all workspaces (23) but the first one have disappeared.
Windows 10