No more tab scrolling?
ITGuy last edited by
After the update I have the same problem, this option has been removed from settings and scrolling is Disabled by default but I found a magic solution as a result of my own efforts
Go to this address opera://flags
Search for #scrollable-tab-strip and select Enabled
6skott last edited by
Love Opera, and I'm happy to see the new islands feature. However, I really need the tab scrolling feature to be restored on the quick for Opera to stay my favorite browser. Please restore the scrolling functionality.
I would also like to see the Move to Workspace command have the text list of my workspaces instead of just the icons that appear now in the newest release (100). Perhaps an option for icon or text or both could be implemented to satisfy all users. -
dirkkramm last edited by
@itguy said in No more tab scrolling?:
@adam1709 @dirkkramm
Go to this address opera://flags
Search for #scrollable-tab-strip and select Enabled
It worked out, but it is not as usable as before. So looking forward to Opera to get this tweaked with the next updates. But in the end - this option makes me able to use opera again without frustration. -