Cant Display Wallpapers Last Update
aam2018 last edited by
After the last update, wallpapers will not display. I can see them in the settings section but they will not display as my background. How do I fix it? Also, how do I get rid of that stupid search bar? Who uses search bars these days?
aam2018 last edited by
@leocg That's the one but I found the setting to hide it. I was reading it wrong and thought the switch had to be off. So frustrated because the latest update again screwed up my browser. One more screwed up browser because of updates and I'm switching browsers. Still can't get my wallpaper back. Thanks for the answer anyway.
aam2018 last edited by
@burnout426 Thanks for your reply but I found the solution myself. You got this starter page thing that you want people to jump through. I would just close that tab down. But Opera will not operate properly if you don't jump through the hoops first. Backgrounds will not show, logo keeps showing up. A skip button for people who already have Opera would have been nice.