Cant see font after changing my theme on the os
linuxmint7 last edited by
Wow, this is totally awesome. The one guy who tries to help get's it wrong and then abandons me.
Thanks for the much needed complement, but you need not have extended your gratitude thus far. One thing you may not know, but maybe very useful, is that this is mainly a user to user forum and most people here offering help do not work for Opera, but do it voluntary and have lives outside of this forum. Just something to think about.
Anyway, what was your reason for not being able to post an image to show the problem that you are going through ?.
There should be a utility/program in Ubuntu to take a screen shot of your desktop/program window.
If you have nowhere to host/upload the image, you can use an image hosting site ( for example) and post the link to said image in one of your posts here.
clientalive last edited by
I'm so very sorry. This is one of the most frustrating things I've had to deal with (I use the internet a lot). I do appreciate your help linuxmint7. I'll try to display the problem with screenshots but I'm not sure how to do that since the problem involves what you can't see (the letters beingtyped).
The only thing I can think to do is take screenshots in pairs where one is with text selection (to make it appear highlighted and see the font at all) and the othe without the text selected (so you can see the problem). By the way, the green highlighting is from the theme. From what I can tell it's a popular theme that's been around for a while, mature, and widely used (from what I can tell).
Link to theme: (for reference purposes regarding my issue):
Link to screenshots:
--> Notables:
Imgur seems to have destroyed the original file names I so painstakingly named to show the grouping of the photos and what they represent. I'm sure you'll get it when you browse them though. The seccond bullet point (directly below) uses references from those original file names. Sorry about the mishap.
-- Format of file names is < group number > < subgroup letter > < second level subgroup number (when present) >
-- Notice the difference between Screenshots 2b1 and 2b2. What's happening here is that 2b1 is the way it shows up when the page is first loaded and 2b2 is how it shows after the text is selected then unselected. In 2b1 only the domain is very light and not visible, but the rest (after the first / ) is dark enough to see. In 2b2 (after selecting then unselecting the text) the entire string becomes very light and not visible.
-- The extra screenshot showing google's search page shows that the font is fine in it's search box.
-- The extra screenshto showing wikipedia's page shows that the font is fine in it's search box (upper right corner of web page).
-- Even when on google or wikipedia's search page (and other web sites I'm sure) - the problem areas shown in screenshots 4a and 4b remain the same as shown in those screenshots (ie: screenshots 4a and 4b).
Again, thanks linuxmint7 for your help. I'm sorry my frustration got took out here. This is a tremendously frustrating situation.
Jake -
linuxmint7 last edited by
Ok clientalive, I've just installed and selected the theme you linked to in your last post from Deviantart (I'm running Linux Mint 17 with MATE desktop) and set the option in Opera that I suggested in my first reply to you back to default (which is '0'). I restarted my machine and started up Opera, low and behold I was suffering the same problems you were, such as feint fonts in the address bar and text areas here on this forum (for example), as shown in your screen shots.
From what I can gather, when reading back on one of your previous post above, I think there may have been some confusion and you may have selected and changed the wrong option.
Copy and paste the text below into the address bar and press enter/return.
This IS the option you need to change to sort your problem out (as I first suggested above), and you need to change it from '0' (zero) to '3' (three), by either typing the number into the box to the right of the option or by using the up and down arrows. Then click the save button just below the option and restart Opera.
Screen shot of the above option.
clientalive last edited by
Yay! it works, but with selection 4 (for this system). Don't ask me why but use x11 file selector did it. linuxmint7 I'm sorry I didn't try that one sooner (I had tried 1, 2, and 3 before but now 4). I remember kinda cringing when I thought about trying x11 for it before (seemed, err... sketchy). Anyhow. Thank you so much. I've got my Opera back! :>
niemaloginawolnego last edited by
I have that same problem with Opera 41.0.2353.69.When I use opera:config#FileSelector|DialogToolkit in adress bar Im only moved to settings tab.
Do you have any suggestions?
My OS is Win 8.1, but problem is the same as your. Also in Opera Developer.