Some Google services don't work on Opera.
redcrowdesign last edited by
It has come to my attention, that some Google services are either not working properly or not working At All on Opera (and other browsers, too). I spent the better part of a day trying to upload stuff to YouTube, it always got stuck on 0% or advanced to 15% and got stuck there, I checked the Internet speed, it was fine. I left it overnight, still nothing. I finally decided to try with Chrome, surprise-surprise, it went up nigh-instantly.Another thing, is that stuff like the little mic on Google Translate doesn't work on Opera, there's other petty little such things as well, but negligible, I don't mind lacking those functionalities, as long as I get to choose my browser. This is catastrophic to me, since that's my portfolio.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@redcrowdesign It's known that Google priorizes Chrome on its services, so testing them with Chrome is not the best thing to do.
redcrowdesign last edited by leocg
@leocg One thing is to prioritize, another is to completely disable some of them. Not sure if this is a glitch with Opera GX or Opera in general or it's a company misbehaving, but it is annoying to have to move to Chrome just for that one thing.
I guess we'll wait and see if there's other people experiencing this issue or just bad luck on my side. In the mean time, it's impossible to upload to YT, I wanted to set that precedent and make the team aware of this issue, as well as encourage other folks to step up and voice their Google/Opera issues.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@redcrowdesign Unfortunately,. Google and others doing browser sniffing and blocking Opera and other browsers is not something unknown or new. Not saying that it's the case here but it happens.
You can try changing Opera's user agent to test it.
redcrowdesign last edited by
@leocg Thanks man, I appreciate the advice. It just sucks that businesses resort to those kinds of lows to force or bully people into using their product.
Biton last edited by
@redcrowdesign Same happens here, YouTube is working fine, playing videos, and then, boom, it says I'm offline even if I have internet access.