[Solved]operaUserStyle added to saved html
WlodekDuch last edited by leocg
When I save (Ctrl+S) simple HTML file I get a header of 20 KB, full of junk, including some porn. It starts like that
<style type="text/css" id="operaUserStyle"></style><style type="text/css">:root zeus-ad, :root topadblock, :root span[id^="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-"], :root guj-ad, :root gpt-ad, :root div[jsdata*="CarouselPLA-"][data-id^="CarouselPLA-"], :root div[id^="zergnet-widget"], :root div[id^="yandex_ad"], :root div[id^="vuukle-ad-"], :root div[id^="sticky_ad_"], :root div[id^="rc-widget-"],
and has such references inside:
a[href^="https://www.mypornstarcams.com/landing/click/"], :root a[href^="https://financeads.net/tc.php?"], :root a[href^="https://www.mrskin.com/tour"], :root a[href^="https://www.kingsoffetish.com/tour?partner_id="], :root
20 KB ... That does not happen when I open files from my disk. I have tested that on different sites and browsers, and other browsers do not add that much junk. I am sure that on my personal computer such sites were never visited. What is going on?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@wlodekduch It was discussed before, it's due to the adblocker. Disable it and those scripts should go away.
CFAF last edited by
I confirm the same and using other browsers with adblockers too as Brave it don't show all that junk and it don't appear in any website, only in some of them, what this mean, that websites have that links in the source to make clicks ?