[Duplicated]Tab grouping (stacking) is gone?!
faridtnx last edited by
I was deciding to switch to Opera like good old days but found that Opera for some reason has decided to drop tab grouping and replace it with Workspaces.
But I don't understand how workspace approach can be compared to tab grouping. Opera was one of the first browsers that supported stacking tabs together for better tab management and now in 2023, it's gone?!
When user decides to group tabs, it should be there and visible to eyes. Workspace requires an extra click to just be able to see those tabs, which again, they will be scattered rather than grouped. Furthermore, I why I have to assign a workspace for a group of tabs that actually do not belong to a certain workspace environment? Workspace is good but never can replace what we need.Please bring it back. I'll be more than happy to hop into Opera if that feature is back in place.
faridtnx last edited by faridtnx
@leocg said in [Duplicated]Tab grouping (stacking) is gone?!:
There was an experimental implementation, that never worked that well,back in the Presto era and that was it
Yes you're right. I remember last trying it on Presto-based engine Opera. I my self am a very old user of Opera since back in 2006 and might have lost track of the timeline a bit. I do also recall the introduction of stacking, affected the stability of Opera for few versions. Same can be observed in Vivaldi even till now. However it doesn't seem to be a very valid point since many other Chromium based browsers have already implemented the tab grouping. Opera software has a very innovative and highly skilled developers. I doupt they are unable to implement it on Chromium-based Opera without comprimosing the stability. It's not about techincal obsticles, rather it's a decision that isn't being made for some reason.
@leocg said in [Duplicated]Tab grouping (stacking) is gone?!:
Workspaces also allow users to put together related windows, so it's already an advantage over tab stacking
If you read my initial post, I've pointed out some (of many) reasons why workspaces can't replace grouping. I can be more allaborative if you want but that takes me a relatavly longer comment.
I've tried workspaces for few days with the intention to make me believe to be back to Opera again. It's actually a nice feature. But can never be compared stacking tabs. If Workspaces is a project that company has decided to put attention on, it's all good, we welcome to have it but not for the cost of sacrificing grouping (by considering the workspace can be a qualified replacement).
I invite every one to look up the same topic on other Opera and reddit forums. Power uses like me who want it back seem to have difficulties on convincing Opera taem and forum moderators on differences of these two features and often topics are closed/locked with no consensus. Let alone the fact, that next step would be for Opera to consider to implement it. -