[Solved]Moving Bookmarks to a New Computer?
BrokenToys last edited by leocg
I had to replace my desktop computer.
I managed to find and save my documents and photos on the old hard drive, I can't seem to find my Opera Bookmarks.I had hoped that by moving the entire Opera file to the new computer the Bookmarks would be moved as well, no such luck.
I am using Opera Version: 93.0.4585.37 and Windows 11 Home edition.
I have found prior posts about going to the About Opera but that doesn't pull up any files or even a search window.
Any help is appreciated.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@brokentoys Copying/Moving the Bookmarks file from the old Opera's profile directory to the new one should be enough.
BrokenToys last edited by BrokenToys
Thank you. I had assumed it was that easy.
I can't find the Bookmarks file, I don't know if it's gone or I'm not looking in the correct place.At least I know it's possible, I will keep looking.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@brokentoys It's in Opera's profile directory,. As said, you can check the path in opera://about.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Going to the URL
will show the "profile" path on the page. That profile folder is where the "Bookmarks" file (and the "BookmarksExtras" file for thumbnails for speed dial bookmarks on the start page) is at. By default, the profile folder will be at "C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable".So, if you back up "Bookmarks" and "BookmarksExtras" and use copies of those backups to replace the existing copies in the new profile of Opera on the new computer (while Opera is closed), you should have your bookmarks on the new Opera profile on the new computer.
Note that in Windows Explorer (File Explorer), the "AppData" folder and its subfolders are hidden by default. In Windows Explorer, you need to click "View", goto "Show" and check "hidden items". You should also check "file extensions" while you're at it.
BrokenToys last edited by
Got 'em! Thanks.
I knew to look for hidden items, what I didn't know was what I was looking for.
I expected to find a file labeled "Boomarks".When I didn't find that, thanks to the help here I at least knew I was in the right place, I kept scrolling and found a document labeled "Bookmarks".
A quick copy and paste and I have my collection of Bookmarks.
I have just enough computer knowledge to be dangerous, I'm comfortable moving files but don't always know what I'm looking for.