Speed Dial Background Image Location?
suntana last edited by
Where can I find the URL to the Speed Dial Background Image?
I want to try some other images. -
suntana last edited by
Heyyy, you jarred my memory, Leo. When I read your comment it dawned on me that I HAD seen a Themes option over in the Opera drop down menu before. So yeah, I did now find that Themes area.
Whew! For a while there I thought I'd have to deal with / tolerate that default image. I thought it looked like a scene out of Toy Story or some other cartoon. I was, "They've got to be kidding me!" I now changed that image to the Piano theme.
However, now I'm convinced that if I didn't know better, there is a conspiracy going on ... a conspiracy to try and nudge us towards accepting / preferring the NEW Speed Dial setup. I quickly noticed that in the NEW setup, the Themes' images are fully-rich throughout the entire area of the image. In the OLD pre-Opera 25 setup on the other hand ... the top third or so of the Theme images are brightened up / sort of washed out as in in the lighter part of a gradient.
At this time I don't know whether if I created my own Theme image, it would be brightened up at the top as well or not.