[Solved]Deleted Speed Dial appears back
mklicpera 0 last edited by leocg
On my device, after I delete an item in speed dial, it appears back in a few hours or days. It's the same on my tablet and on the phone. Any idea where the problem could be? It seems it's a bug and since I can't manually control content of synchronization on myopera account page, it just bothers all the time. I also figured out that I can't delete my synced data and start syncing again from scratch, they remain saved on myopera although I requested to delete all.
mklicpera 0 last edited by
I found the answer actually myself – my phone and tablet are "directed" by Opera in my PC. So if I change speed dials in the PC, then it changes also in the phone and doesn´t bring back the old settings... pretty weird though. I would expect that my devices are independent in settings.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@mklicpera-0 Strange since there is no such feature in Opera.
Anyway, nice that the problem was solved.