[Solved]Started receiving the-news-desk.com is blocked in gmail only.
alletr last edited by leocg
Hello, here is the annoying message filling half of the screen I get every time now in my Gmail.
the-news-desk.com is blocked
This content is blocked. Contact the site owner to fix the issue.
ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CSPI have checked Gmail on Chrome and have no issues. I updated Opera to the last one (90). I cleaned cookies and restricted the news site in settings. The system is Windows 10 Pro. Would you recommend anything, please?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@alletr Contact the site owner as recommended?
Take a look at https://content-security-policy.com/examples/blocked-csp/
Not sure if it will work, but you can try clicking on the padlock badge on address bar while on the page, go to site settings and enable unsecure content.