Page goes back twice when I click 'back' button on my mouse.
Opekar last edited by
I thought there was something wrong with my mouse or software.
So I opened up Chrome and firefox, browsed through multiple pages and pressed the button to go to the previous page and it works as intended. I press once, the page goes back once. I press twice repeatedly, goes back two pages.
Only when I click my 'back' button once on my mouse on Opera GX, the browser brings me back two pages instead of one.
Any clue on why this is happening?
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@opekar Sure, though it is a little strange. Your mouse software is trying to translate the button press from a generic button to a more specific Back command (probably a keyboard Back key), and Opera sees both the button and the translated command. If your mouse settings, you'll be able to change the function assigned to the button; change it to Default Button or some similar no translation option.