How to extract bookmarks from opera (no using sync)?
gzn-saltseeder last edited by leocg
I have big trouble with my devicec identify and network and now planning big Armageddon factory reset for every one.
I had successfully collected all bookmarks from pc, and phones at this one, by manually merge every.
sync service won't be helpful, I have somehow lost change some identifycator or api doesn't know, and everything that ws sync in oper cloud wasf... dissapper.
thanks I"am old fart and know enough about Importance and need diff backups and better on physical storages, ya some .rar under password good to put in diff cloud,, but all this syncs, clouds, etc has no trust.
lol I have log pass passphrase and when shit happened sync cant help me at all.but here I collected a lot of needed bookmarks.
and doesn't know (no see any feature) how to export them in html or cvs from my mobile opera app to memory of phone and then to external here a solution?
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