Sometimes downloads in Opera are not finishing well
steaua10 last edited by steaua10
Noticed this a few months ago, and today again on a clean Opera on a freshly installed Windows. Opera couldn't finish downloading some small updates from Microsoft Update Catalog. It stuck at some 99.99%.
Checked the same MS download in a newly installed Firefox and it worked perfectly.
On Opera started again the same download, and the same problem occured. Paused and relaunched them again, and no succes. Waited so for some 10-15 minutes and they didn't finished to download.Opera -
Firefox - -
Scott-Summers last edited by
Man this happened to me a few days ago when I was trying to download some updates from Microsoft Catalog... and yeah I ended up using firefox just to download that file... I'm not sure why this happens specifically with Microsoft Updates
xiongguoy last edited by
Same here, only Opera, only Microsoft Update Catalog, only .msu files.
I understand the problem is with their site which was previously only downloadable with IE and ActiveX and they recently update it because IE and ActiveX are no more.
Do hope Opera can do a workaround. -