theres no option to make a custom theme in the easy setip menu
prometheis666 last edited by
i just downloaded opera gx and one of the main reason i did is because on the website it said i can create custom themes, but theres no option for it. what do i do?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@prometheis666 Can't you change the theme colors in Easy Setup?
prometheis666 last edited by
@leocg not for me, theres only options to change from light to dark theme, and to change my wallpaper
prometheis666 last edited by
@prometheis666 and i want to make make a red and black theme, but theres no option to change the colors, i looked it up online and it says to open up the easy setup menu to change from different colors. but i dont have that option, has it been removed?
prometheis666 last edited by
@leocg no i download opera gx, and theres no option for it in the settings. where is the option for you?
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@prometheis666 In Easy Set-up, do you see the Configuration link to the right of the section title Theme? After clicking that you can choose from the listed colors or toggle Advanced to use your own colors.
The arrangement of the colors seems misleading to me - the Dark theme (the original style) uses the Primary and Secondary colors, while the Light theme uses the Primary Light and Secondary Light colors. If you want Red and Black that would mean using the Dark theme with a Primary of Red (and whatever Secondary you think looks nice - you'll see the Secondary used in the configuration panel itself).