tab hibernation
SilentHugOfDoom last edited by
do we have tab hibernation as a built-in feature? or, do I have to use an extension for this? not just Vivaldi, Edge it also has this feature, and I think Opera must have this!
Stable macOS • Online Portfolio
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@silenthugofdoom It's a Chromium feature, so Opera has it too.
SilentHugOfDoom last edited by
@leocg so I don't need to do anything to activate? I can't change its settings?
Stable macOS • Online Portfolio
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@silenthugofdoom Nope, it's enabled by default in Chromium as far as I know. Opera added a setting to allow disabling it.
You can also usa opera://discards to disable it for specific tabs in current session.