Opera 80.0.4170.7 beta update
Opera Comments Bot last edited by
Hello, This is Opera 80 beta update, based on Chromium 94.0.4606.41. More details can be found in the changelog. Installation links: Opera beta for Windows (By using the Opera beta for Windows installer, you accept the Opera for Computers EULA) Opera beta for macOS Opera beta for Linux – deb packages Opera beta for Linux…
Read full blog post: Opera 80.0.4170.7 beta update
rolandm last edited by
Still the bundeled libffmpeg.so can't play lots of videos (youtube, facebook etc.). Using the one from snap/chromium-ffmpeg now fails with "opera-beta: symbol lookup error: opera-beta: undefined symbol: av_stream_get_first_dts". I had to use the one from https://repo.herecura.eu/herecura/x86_64/opera-developer-ffmpeg-codecs-95.0.4621.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst (the opera-beta version there now fails like the snap version).
If you can't bundle a working lib like chrome and firefox do, at least make sure the snap version works, and have your installer install and link this! -
rolandm last edited by
Could you at least tell us in the comments or log posts when you think the libffmpeg problem will be solved? I get tired of manually fixing things each time a new opera version appears when I could simply use chrome and not be bothered...