Redirection to another web
santiellupin last edited by
Hi Everybody!
I have been looking for a topic similar at mine but I haven't found anything about it. Apologize in advance if there is another one
This topic is about the redirection to another webpage (an email from an university) when I try to access to a known and trusted webpage (office365). I have found some tasks to try to fix it (like opera virus redirection of unwanted tools like babylon or similar) and all of them are negative.Thanks in advance.
blackbird71 last edited by
@santiellupin Your post is thin on details. Are you clicking on a link in an eMail and instead being redirected to a website different than what seems to be the link text showing in the eMail? As far as I know, there's no known mechanism to redirect you to an eMail link if you try to directly access a webpage in a browser.