YouTube Speed Setting
savgiorgos5 last edited by
I have windows 7, updated opera, updated everything, but I don't see the option "speed setting" on YouTube videos.. right know I can see that on google chrome but ot here
Can anyone help me?
I even went to the site /html5 of youtube and tried everything there also... -
linuxmint7 last edited by
Well obviously not, or at least not yet. Maybe the one's that do are currently off-line doing things in real life, or possibly are on-line, but are busy doing things somewhere else.
Give it time, you only posted your query/question/problem a couple of hours ago.
savgiorgos5 last edited by
ffs why all the browsers have from at least 1 fail, google chrome this stupid thing down there in start. Opera this.. and many more.. firefox is retarded... explorer its like it's last update have been 5 years ago. all of them suuck on something, this browsers.. this internet.... ffs..
I'm going to play LoL
At least help me with this so I will have less fails in my browser!!!!!
A Former User last edited by
What exactly do you mean by "speed setting"?
Are you talking about the selection of different resolutions?
If so, that should be generated by the Flash Player, nothing to do with the browser.
linuxmint7 last edited by
Well, i've tried a random YT video on some browsers (Opera, Chrome and FF) and couldn't see that speed setting on none of them. So i guess YT no longer uses it or not all videos allows the use of it.
And still the original poster thinks it's Opera's fault/problem. [Shrugs]
savgiorgos5 last edited by
You kidding me? Chrome has it normally this option, just opera is retarded. I'm changing browser..
linuxmint7 last edited by
Chrome has it normally this option
Who owns Chrome ?, and who owns youtube ?.
I'm changing browser..
Fair enough.
domi05 last edited by
go to youtube then : Then click on Request the HTML5 player (sorry 4 english )