Maybe a virus ?
dragonkebabo last edited by
Hey guys ! i've been using opera for a year now and doing other stuff while it was open ( mostly gaming ) ; Today i noticed that my modded minecraft couldn't get the usuall 14 gb of ram for it's launch ( i have 16 gb )
until today, i was always using minecraft alongside opera, watching stuff etc but never got any problems... today, i have '' 26 '' tab opened ( yet only this forum page open ! ) and it costs me 1072,7 Mo of rams !
do you guys think that i got a virus ? it never used that much before ! and no, i didn't do any update resenttly ( i checked, it' s up to date ! )
i tried windows defender + Total Av yet both of them showed no virus ! why do you think taht suddently my opera started acting like that ?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@dragonkebabo Probably not, seems like a common behavior.
Shift + Esc to check what is using the RAM in Opera. -
dragonkebabo last edited by
@leocg Well.. when i was in 8 gb rams, this never happened ! but even after i moved to 16, this only started happening that day... Weird owo
'' GPU processus '' is eating 50% of it, dunno what it is trough ahaha
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@dragonkebabo GPU Process usually takes more than 1GB of RAM here, but I never had problems because of it.
However, I don't have anything that demands 14GB of RAM just for its start. -