Opera Install - NVIDIA Settings - Who's this? - Xin Tiao Zhan (launcher.exe)
rmabed last edited by
- I Installed Opera from opera.com.
- In the NVIDIA Control Panel, under Manager 3D Settings -> Program Settings, for Opera, I get the following program name:
- Xin Tiao Zhan (launcher.exe).
a. Do you think I have been hacked by a Chinese dude?
b. Or did one of your employees forget to remove their name from somewhere?
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
launcher.exe is the program used to launch the correct version of opera.exe. When Opera updates, it installs the new version into a separate subfolder since you can't modify a running program. The next time you restart Opera, the launcher sees that there is a later version installed and launches it instead. No idea about the rest of it ... I doubt you will find "Xin Tiao Zhan" in the Opera folder.