Make it usable - new Opera
960t last edited by Nov 12, 2014, 10:21 PM
First off, I never said I was with Opera Presto. I don't know which version I got, when I originally downloaded Opera. I was happy that it worked well and that was that.
Second when the upgrade to Opera exactly occurred I have no idea; except that it was approx. 2 mths. back. I get upgrades to programs all the time (Win7 practically every 2nd day) and what you and they call an upgrade, I would rather the term "new VERSION" was used. I didn't even know it was called Opera25 until I came on the forum. Nothing at the time notified me that a new version called Opera 25 was being installed. I think they were/are very remiss with that terminology and lack of openess. For example, I wouldn't tell someone on an XP machine that Win8 is just an upgrade; go ahead and install it. As far as speed up and slow down; again we're talking Apples and Oranges. Granted the new version might render faster, however my IP service provider and I would watch together how the signal transfers would stall and stop and start again (when using Opera as the main Browser) giving me a transfer rate sometimes as low as 2 mbps. This occurred on both on the MB's NI and using a separate Gigabit adapter. The transfer rate and ping were never steady. The readings would vary from test to test. Now if you have a way of correcting that in Opera 25; Im all ears.To transfer Bookmarks and Speed dials, simply open each, one at a time, copy the addresses from the address bar by right clicking your mouse, paste them one at a time into a notepad file/s and just reverse the process with your new browser.
Currently, transfers are back to normal, but now that you mention it I do think rendering is slower; so I wouldn't call myself happy just yet. -
Deleted User last edited by Nov 13, 2014, 1:55 AM
Alright. Now I'm really confused. How long have you been using Opera? I assumed (wrongly so it would appear) that your history with the browser went back several years. Since it appears that this is not the case, my response to you above was entirely out of line and I apologize. When you say that you've gone "back to an earlier version", which might that be? Just go to Opera (in the upper left corner and click on the About Opera from the drop-down menu and it will give you the version number. I'm curious now which version you find better than 25 and why. Again... sorry for the misunderstanding.
rolsdv last edited by Nov 16, 2014, 5:33 AM
I can get closer to the opera user experience by not using opera anymore, and that's what I have reached the point of doing.
Unfortunately I have to fully second this.
I have been user of Opera for some years, but never felt the need to post my disappointment.
I was an happy user who could luckily fix almost every Opera related problem I met. I think this is my first post here. I stopped using it right away after the chromium change. Just double checked yesterday to see if something had changed, but nothing did for me, and preferred to remove everything Opera-related to from my Pc.Reasons are:
lack of customization without resorting to arrows tricks for enabling "advanced"(???) settings
need of an extension (!!!!!!!) only to set a blank page for a new tab
update checker that starts by itself. Hey!!? Is my Pc yours, dear Opera?
Really, I think that you fired the wrong half of the developement team. And this is a bummer, because Opera was a great project.
Sry for bad english and for rant, but had to. -
Deleted User last edited by Nov 16, 2014, 4:16 PM
The OP posted twice... twice. His last activity here was two months ago. I've seen this so many times it's become laughable. Disgruntled Opera users who never supported the old browser other than using it and seldom (if ever) supported the MyOpera Community, show up to post once or twice and then promptly disappear back into obscurity. And that is the level of support you can expect from this legion of complainers. The new browser now has millions of users... not a handful of whiners. It is getting better all the time and has a very frequent pattern of updating. Sure it will lose that handful of geeks who loved to tweak the old browser endlessly; it appears that's how they spent much of their day. But that should be of no concern to the developing team and to the shareholders who are beginning to see real profits from Opera properties.
Opera doesn't need to be infinitely customizable. Opera has extensions to bring about those changes in its features that some feel they must have. All of the popular browsers use extensions. Automatic updating is not a big issue; in fact, for many it's a lifesaver. While it's true that the PC is yours, the browser is NOT, dear user. You are given free use of it but bear in mind: it is NOT your property to do with as you please.
rolsdv last edited by Nov 16, 2014, 8:02 PM
The OP posted twice... twice. His last activity here was two months ago. I've seen this so many times it's become laughable. Disgruntled Opera users who never supported the old browser other than using it and seldom (if ever) supported the MyOpera Community, show up to post once or twice and then promptly disappear back into obscurity. And that is the level of support you can expect from this legion of complainers. The new browser now has millions of users... not a handful of whiners. It is getting better all the time and has a very frequent pattern of updating. Sure it will lose that handful of geeks who loved to tweak the old browser endlessly; it appears that's how they spent much of their day. But that should be of no concern to the developing team and to the shareholders who are beginning to see real profits from Opera properties.
Opera doesn't need to be infinitely customizable. Opera has extensions to bring about those changes in its features that some feel they must have. All of the popular browsers use extensions. Automatic updating is not a big issue; in fact, for many it's a lifesaver. While it's true that the PC is yours, the browser is NOT, dear user. You are given free use of it but bear in mind: it is NOT your property to do with as you please.Dear leushino,
you may be the best human being in the world, but as a forum user you suck big way.Attacking who is reporting the evident problems of this new version is useless, and make you appear as a pretentious user with no real clues on the matters about he is writing.
The way I spend my days is not your business. I may have diseases that force me to customize my browser?
You don't know if it is the case, so be advised: you risk to make very bad impressions if you write without thinking, just because you are in a rage.More: many times it happpened to see lots of people following bad ideas.
The quantity and the quality are two very different matters. Opera seemed to aim to quality once.Now they did an U conversion, in my opinion towards money, and I think this is very sad.
The old versions had smart, brilliant solutions to common problems. This Opera seems the result of a stupid person thinking he is a genius.Anyways: you love it, you use it.
I won't allow a software (any software) to use my connection for whatever it likes without informing and without being allowed by me to do so. -
Deleted User last edited by Nov 16, 2014, 9:46 PM
And attacking me makes you somehow better? Take the log out of your own eye before you attempt to remove the splinter from mine.
More: I don't really care what you think or how you use your browser (and I suspect Opera has bigger fish to fry than catering to the whims of a few whiners). Be happy with whatever you choose. I know I am.
rolsdv last edited by Nov 16, 2014, 11:40 PM
Be happy with whatever you choose.
Thank you very much! I will now disappear disgruntling.. ops, what's this log into my eye?
tjall last edited by Nov 17, 2014, 10:57 PM
This particular topic is definitely not for you.
This particular topic is for ppl like me or others who want to get the opera usable as used to be before and hooping some devs still care.In simple way those ppl just want to get MORE.
If you are happy with the Blink, just make your onw topic and show how happy you are there. You may even invite those million users to share your happines with each other.So let ppl here to choose what they want and why, your arguing "zillion ppl..." is missed HERE.
Deleted User last edited by Nov 18, 2014, 2:20 AM
Any topic on this forum is for any member... period. You are not authorized to speak for anyone but yourself and I suggest you do just that and don't be so presumptuous as to tell another what he/she can or cannot comment upon. Do you understand?
tjall last edited by Nov 18, 2014, 6:44 AM
As I see you have to add your useless 5 cents everywhere.
For example:We'll be sitting on pins and needles wondering if you'll check back in. However will Opera >function, knowing that you're displeased? Oh my. But thanks so much for letting us all know how >you feel. I can now get a good night's sleep. LOL
Why did you post it here?
I just remind you the topic is "Make it usable - new Opera", replying such thoughts in here make you ... hehe you know who.You are one of million, we re not.
Deal with it. -
Deleted User last edited by Nov 18, 2014, 11:55 AM
He is not alone. Opera is usable for many people who look to the future. Opera changed and maybe won't all Presto features, deal with it. As I saw in another topic, stop acting like Opera devs owe you something.