[Info Request] Font Family Support
Fizzle-Fuze last edited by
Greetings all!
I am looking for some information about which font families Opera supports. I have done a brief search online, but have not found what I'm looking for.
I notice that a web page of mine using the "cursive" font family is not displayed in cursive in Opera, as it is in other browsers.
I see that I can set custom fonts for the following categories:
- Standard
- Serif
- Sans-serif
- Fixed-width
However I do not see cursive or any other families. I also do not want to override the font, but use the one specified in the page style.
This also leads me to wonder how Opera will handle other fonts. I haven't looked in to it, but I hope it will use fonts installed on the operating system. I am not confident though, given I do not see an option for standard CSS font families like cursive.
Thank you for your time and any information.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@fizzle-fuze Seeing as Chrome doesn't support Cursive as a font family, why would you expect Chromium-based browsers to?
A Former User last edited by
My problem is that in one of the newer releases, (at least a month?) my plain no-stylesheet pages' fonts are all goofed up.
One problem seems to be that fixed width is very small font, it's marked down by at least 4 points, and there's no way to mark it up.
The minimum size does not seem to help much either, it still seems to not respect the minimum.
It's a little confusing, there are so many combos of settings I might not have tested correctly.Fizzle, have you done some small test pages ? That seems like an easy way to look.
Fizzle-Fuze last edited by
@annetheagile Sorry to hear the trouble you are having with the fonts.
After the reply I received from the moderator, I decided Opera was not the browser for me. If you want to continue using Opera, the only general advice I can give you is to report a bug with as much detail as possible.
By reporting a bug, you are at least raising awareness to the developers who can test and fix it, if they choose to do so.
If you would like to provide the code for your page, I will take a look to see if I can find any errors in what you've written. Though I believe you are likely correct that the browser is not handling fixed-width fonts optimally.