Crypto wallet sign problem
bakaAF last edited by
Hello, just transferred my crypto onto the opera crypto wallet. Tried to make a purchase but it is asking me to "sign" on my android device, tried doing that but nothing pops up on my android device. I also just recently purchased a new phone, I used to have opera connected onto my old device, could it be that it wants me to sign from my old device? I no longer have access to my old device, how do I fix this problem?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@bakaaf Basically, the real crypto wallet is the one in the phone, in Opera for Android or Opera Touch, being the one in Opera for desktops just a shortcut to the phone's crypto wallet, a mirror of it.
When you make a transaction in the desktop, you need to confirm it on the phone associated with the crypto wallet.
You need to recreate the crypto wallet in the new phone and link it to the desktop.