Unable to synchronize passwords
MichaelDM05 last edited by
"Your saved passwords were encrypted with an opera account password which has been changed.
Reset your saved passwords. You will not lose any passwords saved on this device"
I just synced my passwords from Chrome (I have been having trouble importing them, and was kind of lazy to do it until now, after searching up and needing a command line to a shortcut). I've never had an Opera account, but I wanted to sync to an opera account because I have other computers and devices with Opera, so in looking for the synchronization option, it said to sign in. I've never signed up for Opera and the email I used is brand new, but I was able to click "Forgot Password" which Opera emailed me a password reset link, I changed the password, and now I can't sync passwords because I don't have an old password that never existed.
SO it gives me the option to reset passwords on Opera's server (which don't exist), and when I click the button, nothing happens. Just nothing. The button goes disabled/shadowed however you call it, and the alert notification that it can't sync just stays. If I restart the browser, I still can't sync passwords.
MichaelDM05 last edited by
@leocg Immediately when I added/synced the account. It refused to sync the passwords, but everything else was fine