Add Google Hangouts to the Sidebar
not-you last edited by
Google Hangouts is a really popular messaging application, and it would be really useful to have it in the messaging sidebar. I used to use Hangouts a lot before I switched to Opera GX, and I found that I started to use Hangouts less and less as features like Discord have a popup that is quite a bit easier. I have found that people I talk to about this also feel the same way.
It would be nice to have Hangouts on the sidebar for ease of access and to widen the appeal of Opera to Hangouts users.
newworldman last edited by
@not-you I thought Google Hangouts was dead or, if not, is due to be dead?
not-you last edited by
@newworldman I was hearing something similar in 2019, but I thought it had been postponed until further notice. The original plan was to move all Hangouts users to Google's premium messaging software Google Chat in early 2020.
amatsuki555 last edited by
@not-you I believe that they did make those plans, but all they have done is moved the call feature around, and now it is Google Meet.
NC-Timo last edited by
Re: Add Google Hangouts to the Sidebar
Still waiting for Google Chat for Sidebar Messengers.
But for all those who can't wait, I found a solution to add it to your sidebar without any extension.
So, first of all go to: opera://flags/#sidebar-site-panel
Enable the flag and re-launch the browser.
Then, on then sidebar, you can add any sites you want.Right click the sidebar --> hit "Sidebar Setup" --> scroll down to the bottom and it will be under "Custom site panels"
There you cann add the url:
""You're welcome!