Remove words from standard dictionary?
student-se last edited by leocg
You can remove words from the custom dictionary in opera.
But how do you remove words from the standard dictionary?I have the British English dictionary, but for some reason, it also includes American English spelling.
Spell check accepts American English words & spelling, instead of British English.
For example:
"Spelled" is accepted, "spelt" is not.
"Summarize" is accepted, "summarise" is not.Attempted fixes:
Adding each word to custom dictionary. However, the incorrect spelling is still accepted, and I don't want that.
Double checked that the American English dictionary was removed. (It was.)
Double checked that I have British English set as the display language. (It is.) -
diezi last edited by
You should change your language and your Spell checker in Settings. Use English (United Kingdoms) as language and English (United Kingdom, Oxford English Dictionary spelling)
as Spell Check. Re launch the browser and you will see "spelt" and "summarise" underlined.