Browser Video Player
faraday1939 last edited by
OK thanks for quick reply. I will need to wait till Jan 1st to find if it holds up. In the meantime the video player on both my tablets will not work at all on Opera. Any ideas, please?
Win 10
Opera 86.0 -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@faraday1939 There's no reason for videos to not work because of Flash removal, since majority of sites don't use it.
faraday1939 last edited by
@leocg Thanks again. Well obviously I don't know what I'm doing! I think the common feature here is the website I'm getting the videos from as both tablets now don't play videos from news-source. As for the other matter: some info came through and the following was on the front: Opera 86.0.4240 I took it as the latest version.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@faraday1939 Latest Opera stable version is 73. You can check in opera://about
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@faraday1939 If you are having issues with videos playing, just report it here in the forum, so people can check and try to help you.
faraday1939 last edited by
Thanks for that I'll have a go. But you may be interested to know that Adobe sent me this message:-
"Adobe WILL block Flash content from running in Flash Player from
June 12 2020"
I've quoted that verbatim so it seems like a real threat!
de -
naheed last edited by
@leocg said in Browser Video Player:
majority of sites don't use it
There must be some way to play streaming video after flash is blocked and as @leocg
stated many sites are not using it. So, you need not worry there must be some other
ways that will help in streaming video as almost all browsers will not be using flash. -
blackbird71 last edited by
@faraday1939 Either you or the Adobe message you received probably contained a typo... the official end-of-life date for Flash is 12 January 2021, after which the video player will cease to work (the last several versions intentionally contain 'kill code' that will activate on that date). Web sites that still use Flash will either have to switch to another form of video (probably HTML5), or will cease to work for any users that have kept their Flash versions updated (and which now contain the kill code).
Most browsers already work for HTML5 video, so that transition should be smooth for websites converting to it. If a site instead uses special video codecs (code that unpacks the video stream on the user system) for their particular video streaming technology, some provision or direction for obtaining those codecs will have to be made by the sites. Windows natively supplies a number of codecs, some browsers inherently supply others, and a wide variety of still others can be downloaded for free from various reputable places.
When the time occurs that the videos on certain sites fail to work, you will need to contact the browser-maker forums (and/or the website's support) to figure out the best solution for a particular browser. Because a few sites use proprietary codecs involving royalty payments, not all browsers will choose to pay the fees to cause such sites to work.
In any case, be extremely careful of any message that pops up telling you to download a "special Flash player" after the end of 2020... it will be a fruitful area for malicious actors to try to fool users unfamiliar with the real situation to download malware/viruses in the guise of a 'special' Flash version, and is why Adobe Flash is going to such lengths to inform users that Flash will truly be dead after mid-January 2021.
faraday1939 last edited by
Thanks for your efforts. As I understand it the Vid Player is embedded in the Browser and not in the web page supplying the Vid content? If that's the case I need a Video player for the Opera Browser? So surely
that should be easy. I've just reviewed what I've written and surely I'm
talking nonsense. I'm so far behind the curve on this I think I'm in an alternate Universe. [I can make PentaPhenylEther if you need it].
blackbird71 last edited by blackbird71
@faraday1939 said in Browser Video Player:
... As I understand it the Vid Player is embedded in the Browser and not in the web page supplying the Vid content? If that's the case I need a Video player for the Opera Browser? So surely that should be easy. ...
To display videos residing directly in the webpage, the video player software must reside within the browser (either directly or as an extension/plug-in that works in deep concert with the browser). For displaying a video file that's been downloaded, the video player must be either a stand-alone player program working with the computer's operating system or the player in the browser can generally be used if the browser has been set as the "default program" for that video file type. Regardless, the video itself will be compressed with some form of encoding scheme, and playback will require the video player to contain the correct, corresponding decoding scheme. There are many forms of coding/decoding (called "codecs" for short) schemes available and in use, some much more popular or efficient than others. If the coding schemes available to a particular video player do not match a particular scheme used to create a video, the video will not play in that player. In the case of playing videos on a website, the browser's video player must be capable of playing the kind of coding used for the video or it won't render on the web page.
The most common problem with videos in webpages is that the browser's player does not include a proper decoding scheme for the particular coding being used by the video on that site. Because there are so many codec schemes in existence, a website may have chosen to use one that isn't compatible with a particular browser's player. Add to this the reality that various digital-rights-management (DRM) techniques to prevent copyright violations or restrict geographical distribution of certain media can superimpose their issues on all of this to block video from appearing in a browser. Finally, there's the possibility that the website itself has some coding flaws or idiosyncrasies that interfere with a given player correctly rendering a video, even when the codecs and DRM are correct.
Generally speaking, if a video plays correctly in one browser but not in another, the failing browser's video player lacks the correct codec for that video, there's some kind of DRM problem, or there's a flaw in the browser installation. If the problem is caused by a missing codec in the browser's player, that's usually an appropriate issue to discuss with the browser maker to try to get it added in future versions.