General Opera GX Suggestions and Requests Topic
dankmanwhodiedYT last edited by
i would like to request the opera gx team to add a few of the following features in a new update to the gx browser:-
1)the ability to change the colour for the tabs in the start page(or to add a picture to it).
2)to customize the songs for the background music.
3)a Gmail icon in the sidebar.
4)the ability to customize the position of the sidebar.
5)the ability to add custom sites into the sidebar.those are all of the suggestions I could think of. you don't have to implement all of the features but it would be greatly apperashated if you add a few of the features listed above.
tobiasztrzaska98 last edited by
I play death metal guitar and was forced to use ASIO deus and got a eureka. All my replays have music and fellow voices that were audible to me at the time which is problematic. Note that I would like to archive my best replays in .mp4 or .webm format without the music and screams on discord application.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@tobiasztrzaska98 You didn't have to post your request 4 times - I only approved the first one. Which admittedly was not the most readable, but I'd already approved it. Please post further comments on this topic in this thread (in English), or in the Polish local forum (in Polish).
Kozmo-Gremlin last edited by
it would be nice for the browser to automatically translate languages on webpages similar to how chrome does.
jahkstrap last edited by
I've been loving Opera GX so far and enjoy a lot of the bells and whistle features that aren't available from competitors. I use the popout video function on my single monitor setup and it is amazing. I had one suggestion for it that would make it perfect in my eyes which would be the ability to "pin" the window with a toggle that allows the window to be uninteractable, or best case scenario even click-through. This would allow users to overlay the video on other applications without hindering their workflow.
Opacity options for the popout video would be the cherry on top!
Thank you!
A Former User last edited by
This is more an opinion than anything else, but I think they could be ideas that would improve the program in the future.
I think they should integrate a reader aloud and a translator as options within the sidebar. I know they are things that can be obtained through extensions, but they do not look as good aesthetically and functionally as the integrated applications.
Another utility that could be applied is a shortcut or method to activate the "Off" mode, which would be a function that would drastically reduce all the resources that the browser needs, something like going into hibernation mode, although they should first solve the crushing problems.
Other ideas that come to mind would be the possibility of editing the logo that appears at the top left (something similar to what vivaldi does but more customizable) and the possibility of editing the size of the icons in the sidebar.
Another idea, for example, would be to give more configurations to the boards, allowing to choose if the tabs that are in a board are private or not, and the possibility of sending tabs from one board to another by right clicking.
To finish, I think it would be a good idea to include Opera Turbo in the new browser.
I hope you comment on more ideas and such, or (always with respect) criticize and improve the ideas that I have mentioned.
Thank you very much for reading it
A Former User last edited by
@lifelesskitsune Okay, I have to correct myself in my own comment. I just realized that the function to move tabs between boards already exists, sorry about the bug. For the rest I have not found any bugs, but if you realize that there are more bugs please leave me a record of it here below.
A Former User last edited by
@leocg Ups, sorry for my misinformation, because the first time I used Opera was about 9 or 10 years ago and I stopped using it for all this time because my 7 year old self loved foxes
but when I used Opera it was the function Opera Turbo.
doesntmatter last edited by leocg
the controls tab needs an on-off switch for all controls at the top that remembers previous 'on' settings. i shouldnt need to click 4 switches on and off every time.
there are no open in new tab, open in new window, search, options when i select text and right click..... cmon now.
ItzbupkcEF last edited by
- Please, add Opera GX for Linux and Android, I now using Linux and I can't use my favourite browser.
2.I very want a tabs categories feature like a Chrome
3.Add passwords transfer fron other browser
- Please, add Opera GX for Linux and Android, I now using Linux and I can't use my favourite browser.
justanoperauser last edited by
@leocg I would like features like tab groups, global media controls like on chrome, being able to select and move multiple tabs to a new window, being able to right click on a tab or set of tabs and move them to any new windows (I know the workspaces exist, but the windows are less of a hassle for me. I use the alt+tab shortcut a lot). I also suggest a setting in which the sidebar will be hidden until you move your mouse/cursor close to it, which would cause it to pop-out. Not as important to me as the others, but it would be nice. These features are honestly all I need to be able to fully switch and be content lol.
AndreiMattPonayaDF last edited by
Auto-translate since I deal with international players per day.
You can use Google Translate's API.
khrukkhlik last edited by
I think lot of ppl are used to using "open in new tab" as the first right click option. My suggestion is to remove "open" option.
ThatsNotEvenFunny last edited by
Make bookmarked links available to copy and paste easily
It's such a pain to share links from my bookmarks with Opera -
ViTALiTY-PH last edited by
Please do add a download torrent feature like the one in Torch browser which has a built-in torrent downloader. Hopefully this one gets added because I tend to download many torrents and I don't like opening other applications just to download certain torrents. I've been a Torch browser user for 5 years now. Seeing this new browser for opera made me switch right away, only thing lacks for me is the torrent downloader. My wish is to add this feature please.
pat2424 last edited by
-Add an option for the sidebar to only appear when hovered over
-Make the new tab button extend to the top of the screen instead of having a few pixels above it of dead space
-Allow users to change currency GX corner deals are displayed in. Euros aren't the only currency in the world and aren't used by plenty of people
-Add an option to have the entire window close when all tabs are closed
-Make it easier/more snappy when dragging a tab from one window to anotherThe last two points make it infuriating to use at times because without realising, you've accidentally left 4 windows of Opera open with nothing on them besides GX corner
Taliara last edited by leocg
Unsure if any of these are possible, but figured I'd ask.
Ability to stream our gameplay on Twitch, YouTube, etc straight from the sidebar.
Ability to access basic music player controls without opening the music player on the sidebar. (I know that the controls pop up on hover, but I'm asking for basic controls directly on the sidebar with no album image).
Ability to open one of our speed dial websites in a pinned tab like we can for discord/twitter/etc. For example, if I wanted to watch YouTube or Netflix and Pin it so it takes up part of the browser window, while still being able to browse on the righthand side, like I can if I Pin Twitter/discord.
When I hover over icons, not all of them have a tooltip telling me what they are. For example: the icons in YouTube Music player don't seem to be showing me tooltips (except the search icon).