Login to Google Account Inaccessible!
inst04 last edited by
For some time, login into my Google account is impossible. I don't know which version update that this started.
After entering your username and clicking on next to enter your password, I get this error page
after trying to login here:
This happens on both mobile app and desktop version. I can search Google, etc. but can't access my Google account to save searches & keep it logged in for other features. I have sent many bug reports and I have had no response about this as I have to use Firefox instead. I think your security increase has gone over the top that its being a pain.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
Do a test. Download the Opera installer, launch it, click "options", set "install path" to a folder named "Opera Test" on your desktop, set "install for" to "standalone installation", uncheck "import data from default browser", and install. Test in that Opera, but do not enable any extensions, do not enable Opera VPN, do not enable Opera's adblocker and tracking protection, and do not enable Opera Sync?
Do things work fine there at least? If not, I'd look for something outside Opera causing the problem (time, date, time zone and daylight savings setting issues, malware, anti-virus-firewall). Of course, it it happens on mobile too and you're not using Opera Sync, it might just be an issue with your Google account itself, even if you can log in with Firefox.